CH 1 | Stepdad

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It's been two weeks and I'm barely getting any sleep. I have dark circles under my eyes, and my hair looks like a jungle. There are strands of hair on my face, and some even in my mouth.

Yes, that's how my typical morning started.

I go downstairs to get some breakfast, even though I know it isn't gonna' make me any happier since I barely get a toast. Though sometimes if I've been especially good, I might just get some butter with it.

"Hey Dad," I greeted with a hint of nervousness, as I passed him, making my way to the kitchen.

"Avery, why didn't you text me you'd be late last night? You know I don't like you arriving home late."

He stood up, stopping me in my path. He glared at me sharply, as if to petrify me.

"I, umm..." My heart started beating faster.

I'd gone to the library to study afterschool last night and had completely forgotten to text him. Oh no! Here comes the scream.

"Avery!" He screamed loudly. "Don't you have an answer!" He yelled; his sharp voice echoed through the room.

"I'd gone to the library...... I'm sorry... I forgot to text you," I replied hesitantly, with my head down; my eyes focused on the white floor.

"Well, Avery. It's very unfortunate that you had forgotten, because I was actually going to give you a letter that came from your dad a few weeks ago. Sad that you won't be getting it now," He stated, forming a small smirk.

"No! Please... Please give it to me!" I begged, trying to get the letter off his hands as he held it high in front of me - impossible for someone with such a short height to get ahold of.

I knew his tremendous height wouldn't allow me to grasp it. My body shrinks down on the floor, defeatedly.

"Avery, you're not getting this letter until tomorrow! No food for you as well! You love your dad, after all, don't you? So you can surely remain hungry for me until tomorrow, can't you?" He said sarcastically, with his now wide grin plastered across his face.

Not a moment too soon, he slapped me right across my face, with his other arm. Did he need to do that?!

"Go to your room! Now!" He yells.

His voice echoed through the room, quickly followed by some deathly silence.

With that, I get up and slowly walk back upstairs - soft tears wetting my face, and slowly dripping down to the floor.
I enter my room and plop down on my bed, feeling ever-so comfortable. The pain in my cheek sends shivers down my body. My teddy bear, sitting on top of my pillow is the only one who truly understands me.

I gazed in it's eyes, filled with innocence. I desperately pull it into a tight hug, crying softly into its furry belly; sniffing the refreshing smell that surrounded the bear through all these years.

My dad had left my mum several years ago, and since then, my life had gladly enough turned into something that I'd call hell. The bear was a present I got for my birthday, a year before he left. Flashes of memories appear as I remember that day.

"This is for you sweetheart," he had said handing me the fluffy teddy bear.

My tiny hands had held the teddy bear tightly in front of my eyes. I had stared at it for a second and happily hugged it.

"Thank you daddy!" I had beamed at him, revealing my toothy grin.

"Anything for you darling," he had replied, tears of happiness trickling down his cheeks.

I remember those days. I wish they could return..

I sigh hopelessly. Like that would ever happen.

Anyways, my mum married this arrogant guy, and now he's my father.

As if. He's nothing like a father.

My mum died a few years after their marriage because of breast cancer.

I was 10 at that time.

I'm 16 now, and my life is horrible as hell. My real dad moved to London, in England, to live with his new wife. A family like that would be much nicer. Well, compared to this. My stepdad, as expected, wouldn't let me visit him. I clearly remember the first time I had asked him.

"Never!" Was what he yelled.

I haven't seen my dad since he left mum. Now, the only thing I dream of doing is to travel to London so I can meet him.

Just once, would be enough.


Hey guys! I am back with another story! Yay!! But this time my friend H3llo_You has helped me with this story so make sure you go and follow her. Because she is literally AMAZING!

Well I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book and don't forget to comment and give me feedback!

Love u guys! xxx 💖

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