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I know I, of all people, shouldn't be the type of person to hold a grudge, but I can't help the anger that I feel towards Mom and Eddie.

How exactly is it fair that they kicked me out of the house when they found out I was pregnant, and into a care home, might I add, but support Demi to get the help that she needed when she was on drugs?

And maybe that sounded a little harsh but I just don't get it

Was there something wrong with me?

I sat down on the couch with Dallas sitting next to me.

she had a sort of glare in her eyes.

so I glared back, because, well, I'm no wimp.


yeah, yeno.

"So, how have you been?" Dallas asked me after a long glare.

she had a small tint of disgust in her voice.

what the fuck was wrong with her?

"I've been fine," I snapped. "How about you?" I asked slowly.

"Dandy." she said, matter of factly.

"Good for you."

"So, lets cut the shit why don't we..." she said, shifting her weight so she was facing me.

"what shit are we cutting here?" I narrowed my eyes.

I didn't like where this was going.

"You know, we never did find out who the baby daddy was. or... do you even know?" she smirked.

I swear, I wanted to just punch her in the face.

"Who the fuck are you to ask me that? or assume that I don't know who I fucked?" my voice hardened so much that it could have punched her itself.

"Why did you come back?" she whispered coldly.

It hurt.

but I wasnt going to let her know that.

"You don't want me here? then I'll leave.." I said, and much to my dismay, my voice cracked.

I looked away from her and collected my shoes and jacket before jogging up the stairs and bursting into Maddie's room.

"Lola, lets go. now," I snapped.

Lola looked scared and Maddie looked annoyed as they were playing.

but neither of them moved and that pissed me the fuck off.

"Lola Michelle!!!! i said lets go! NOW!" I basically screamed.

Maddie stood up quickly like she was going to do something.

"Calm down!" Maddie yelled in my face.

"You better back the fuck off, little girl!!! Lola, I'm gonna tell you one more time to get your shit and go downstairs!" I yelled.

"You cant talk to me like that!" Maddie yelled.

"I just did!" I said, stepping into Maddie's face.

I felt a forceful hand land on my shoulder and pull me away.

I was turned to see Dallas with an angry face.

"No. you cant!" Dallas yelled in my face, pissing me off further.

this was escalating quickly.

"Get the fuck out of my face!" I screamed, almost blacking out from anger.

I pushed her back as hard as I could and she fell onto the bed.

bouncing back almost immediately, she came back and pushed me into the dresser that was behind me, breaking quite a few things.

I jumped back up unsteadily and blacked out completely.

the last thing I remember was swinging my fists viciously.


when I came to, Demi was screaming.

I had to try hard to focus on what she was saying.

she was screaming at me.

"You destroyed the fucking house and Dallas is in the hospital because of you! your daughter is so fucking terrified and wont come out of the room!" she screamed.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't even remember what happened. I just remember us arguing and then..." my voice trailed off as I looked over to the broken kitchen table and discombobulated couch.

"oh shit," I mumbled aloud.

I tried standing but fell before trying again and succeeding.

I stumbled under Demi's gaze over to the bedroom that Lola was in.

"Lola, baby, come out." I said, still kind of harsh.

she came out and I grabbed her hand and her shoes.

I picked her up as she cried.

"Shush!" I demanded, my head pounding.

she tried to quiet down but couldn't.

I grumbled as Demi yelled behind me, trying to stop me from leaving but I got out anyways.

I went to the nearest bus stop and got on it, probably looking like a hobo who just fought over mashed potatoes.

Being a single mother with little income I obviously couldn't just hop onto a plane anytime that I wanted like the rest of my family could.

So, I gathered up the money I did have and rented out some motel room for the night.

And then the next day I would go to my back account and get the money that I need to get two plane tickets for a flight straight to home.

It had been nearly three hours since the whole Dallas fiasco, I had just put Lola to bed for the night and I was trying to fall asleep as well, when I received two text messages.

One from Demi, the other from Dallas.


You can't just walk away from everything, Devonne. -10:36


You're absolutely pathetic. -10:37

I immediately blocked Dallas' number and sent Demi a text back.

I didn't walk away. Nobody wanted me. -10:38


Author's Note:

Hello there. You all probably hate me for always taking so long to update this story, but here ya go.

You can thank @CryingForDemi for that. So Creds to her, because she pretty much wrote this entire chapter, and it is absolutely amazing. You can CHECK OUT HER STORIES as well, because they are fucking incredible. Actually you don't have a choice. Go do it. Like, right now.

Uh, so yeah.

You know the drill.

Vote, comment, and all that jazz.

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