I honestly don't know what to think

17 4 1

Monday, April 24, 2017, 11:57 PM

I have gone without Internet for the past four days and I have been living in AGONY

Confessions from a first-world country white girl lmao


My Science teacher is pregnant, and her baby is due on the 24 of October, her birthday

She's having a boy

So that's nice c:


One of the teacher's assistants tried to force her Christianity on me, and she likes Trump

So that was eventful

And the kIDS

The kids at my school do so much shit, oh my god


I've already ranted about all the stupid shit kids at my school do to randominternetperso0

So she knows what I'm talking about, haha



For all the people that know who Kevin "Ghost" McCullough is, I need thoughts

I've been thinking about this video a lot lately, and I still don't know what to think

If you know who Kevin is, please tell me your thoughts on this because I don't know how to feel about this situation

Edwin is a very genuine person, and I don't think he would lie about something like this

This was posted around three months ago, by the way

I'm not linking a random video, I swear

The title is not clickbait, even though it looks like it is

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