Puppet Love

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First request from IrishMata.Thank you and I really appreciated it.

Sasori and Sakura

"I can see the fear in your eyes blossom."

Just hearing his voice was enough to make her body tremble in fear.

"What do you want!?"she demanded fiercely, hiding her fear.

"Me?"the puppet master walked forward and the more he walked torwards to the pinkette, the more she moved backwards but she stopped when she felt a hand snaked through her waist.

"It is you that I want, Haruno Sakura."he said with lust in his voice while his other hand snaked through her neck.

"You filthy scorpion, how dare you touched me!"she said angrily.

"Is that the tone you use to your superiors, hm? Sakura?"he asked teasingly.

"You're not my superior neither you are my master."she replied knowing what his intentions are.

"No wonder, they call you the smart girl, knowing my intentions."he plainly said." Tell me...why resist me?"

"Why do you asked the obvious, knowing what is the answer.."she mockingly said.

Sasori chuckled."Oh yes because we are enemies but perhaps I know what's the other reason..."he smirked as she furrowed her, nearing to her ear he whispered."No man shall never touched you.In simple words, afraid of being this kind of situation. You do know where this is led isn'it?"

Sakura's heart skipped a beat, she took her will power to release from his grasp and she succeeded.

"I will never hand myself to you!"her words held determination.

"Well then, I will take you by force because in the end, I will always have you."

Suddenly Sakura spat some blood.'What the!'

"So the poison is taking effect,"he grinned.

"Since when did you-"her realization strucked her.'it was there...when he held me...'she recalled the past events.

"So you realized but its too late now, but don't worry its just temporary."he checked his nails for any signs of imperfection.

"You really are a sick human puppet don't you know that."she hissed as she spat more blood."And is this even a lethal poison."

She knew that his poisons are very advanced and sometimes unknown that only the Slug sannin and her had the ability to make an antidote and possibly identified.So she must be very careful on his moves because when it comes to Sasori no Akasuna, everything comes to bad to worst and the poison that infected Sakura was a proof.

"Answer me this instant!"she demanded, her rage growing inside of her.

"Did I ever tell you that you are very beautiful when you are angry."he grinned.

"Don't try and change the subject."she rolled her eyes much to the displeased of Sasori.

"Alright, alright.first of all I'm not a human any more in other words I am a human, thanks to leader-sama's jutsu."he answered.

'He is now a human...!'now she really is afraid.'What if...What if he rapes me and...What if he took advantage of me because of the poison took an effect.'she shook her.'No!I will get out of this one way or another, I won't give up until I get out of this situation.'she thought.

"And to answer your second question, the poison only has a reaction to your blood...your blood type is O+ is it?"he rose a brow.

"Yes."she wiped her blood from her mouth."Just...What are you planning?"she asked gritting her teeth in frustration.

"To make you mine."he answered her simply.

"Are you a fool or an idiot? For the last time I am not yours and even if you get me I am still not one of your possessions."she said proudly.

He furrowed his eyes."Watch your words girl, your words might get you killed."he spoke dangerously.

"Hmph, I won't die and I take pride in myself so it dosen't matter if I die, why? because Death is always been my friend and It won't let me die just yet."she smirked.

He admitted, he was disturbed by her words and couldn't understand what she meant."No matter I will get you."he opened his scroll and a puppet appeared in a poof, attacking her instantly.

Blocking and dodging was only her option attacking would make things worst and difficult.

She took a trailed of blood from her mouth and did some handsigns."Summoning jutsu!"

A huge bird appeared and she landed on the back gracefully, then the bird flew into the air.

"I told you didn't I you will never get me!"she yelled standing at back of the bird.

Sasori stared at her in anger."I will get you Haruno Sakura!"

Sakura only smirked."I will be the one who will get you...Sasori of the Red sand."she spoke darkly.

And she leaved him disturbed by her words.

(A/N: That was a hard work I hope you enjoy it, especially the one who requested this, IrishMata.And please don't forget to comment who will be the next character I will paired to Sakura!)

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