Bad Words are Bad!

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A request from ultrasparkle, but before that, I'm sorry but I have to do only one request , so I apologized if I cannot make a story for Gaara cuz you choose Hidan first.

Hidan and Sakura

Hidan, the bad mouthed person, the Jashinist, and the boyfriend of Haruno Sakura.

Sakura hated his cussing words and she would do anything to restrain him in any means.He is her boyfriend afterall.


Again, it was just a usual day.Sakura plays the piano in her room and sang with every tune she make.At the age of five years old she already mastered playing piano, a prodigy at the age of five years old.

Ruining the moment of her is fun, right?

Well until she heard curses downstairs of her room, crashing were heared, the vases falling down.Yep, it was her boyfriend indeed but what was the ruckus?

She continued playing and singing louder, even the keys were louder every force of her hands, ignoring the sounds that were in downstairs.

"You mother****** bas**** get the f**** off me!"

"Like I care!"



A vein popped on Sakura's forehead as she hit a wrong note."That's it for fu** sakes!"she stood from her seat and opened the door out.

And she was getting influenced by his boyfriend's cussing but she restrained herself from doing it.

Upon reaching downstairs she saw ruins everywhere, her vases which is antique was broke in pieces and layed on the floor, the wooden floor was cracked, the couches were destroyed, and the door was gone!

She sighed in relief when her piano was not broken...or she thought?

The piano stand broke and fell to the ground and a sound of the keys were heared as they reached the ground.

Her face turned red from anger, she tightened her fist and she saw Hidan and his two friends, Sasori and Diedara.

Hidan held Sasori's collar, Sasori held Diedara's hair and Diedara bit Hidan's shoulder.

They stopped as they saw Hidan's girlfriend.

"Hey babe."he said nervously.

"What have you...Done to my precious piano!"She punched them and her neighbours heard all the ruckus that was happening.

If there is anything precious to her, that is her piano.


"Ow..."Hidan held an ice pack on his cheeks.Yep, he regretted it all.

In front of him was her lovely little girlfriend.

Sasori and Diedara had an agrument about their so called 'Arts' and being Hidan insulted them and led to that situation.

"I would only forgive you if you buy me another one, and a good quality."she said.

"What!"he exclaimed standing from his seat."That piano was fuck**** 200,000$ and you want me to buy it!"

She glared at him."Don't have enough money? bring Sasori and Diedara with you, I'm sure they would help you and if they din't agree I will force them."she said simply.

"Anything but them!"he whined.

"Anything huh?"she rose a brow.

"I will do anything just for you, its okay if you want me to buy piano but please anything but them."he pleaded.

This was the first time she saw him like this and she admitted she pittied him but breaking her house was just out of the line not to mention that the piano was her most favourite.

"Hidan, I loved my piano I also love you and I will accept if you don't want to work with them in one condition. "she raised her index finger.

"Stop saying badwords to other people except your close friends."

Hidan blinked."That's it?"

"Yes, thats it."she crossed her arms and closed her eyes.

"Oh thank you babe, I promise I will buy another piano for you and I love you so much!"he hugged her.

It was unexpected but she hugged him back."I love you too, Hidan."

3 months later Hidan bought a piano for her much to her happiness. And he kept his words on not to use badwords to anyone except to his close friends.

Bad words are bad any way.

I hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to comment your character you want to pair with Sakura!

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