Chapter 2: "You don't care."

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Bloom's POV

The next morning...

"Yeah, right. I don't even like him that much, aunt." I said through the small mic. I was currently having a video chat with my aunt who lives in America. Right now, she was teasing me about Kaiーmy obnoxious fiancé. "Oh please. You two good look together for Pete's sake." She replied with a roll of her eyes.

"You're even blushing!" She added with a crazy chuckle. "What? Am not! And besides, he's a flirt and I don't date flirts." I argued, furrowing my eyebrows as I crossed my arms on my chest. "Alright, alright. Whatever you say, Jung." She giggled before ending our video chat.

After a few decent minutes, a loud bang on the door came and was soon followed by a scowl. "Brat! You up yet?" Kai's voice boomed. "If you wanted to destroy my door so badly then you should've just asked! I could've helped you to it!" I yelled. I heard him laughing or some sort but it was faint. If I could've been closer to him then I would know for sure if he just laughed or not.

"Get ready!" He yelled.

Once I was done with my routine, I took my bag and quickly ran down the stairs.

"You're not going to have breakfast, Jung?" Kristine asked, a few pillows were on her arms. She must've been cleaning a few guest rooms. "No. You see, I'm running a bit late and you know how Jong In is when it comes to school. Don't make the girls wait too long." I said with a wink and Kristine giggled in reply.

She said a few more things about how cute me and Kai's relationship was and soon, I ran out of the mansion and into the car.


Minutes later...

Once I entered the campus, a crowdーor maybe an oceanーfull of girls was currently blocking the path. Goodness. Don't tell me this is another 'I love you Kai, Luhan and Kristhe three most flirtatious boys of the campuscrowd.

Eunmi was on the other side and she was currently talking to Jaya. And no, she wasn't part of the crowd. She gave me a wave and motioned me to go smack everyone who came to my way when a bunch of boys crowded my escape route.

"You're looking so beautiful today, Jung." I heard one of them say. It wasn't that long when a sea of boys were squishing me at the very middle. "Let'sーlet's not kill each other, right guys?" I asked them and a few were yelling to the other boys to stop pushing.

"Ya'll gonna kill the girl you all fancy! MOVE IT! MOOOOVE!" Professor Kang, the most frightening teacher of all, said as he walked through the crowd. The boys quickly divided into two and made a path for him to walk. You know the story of God separating the ocean for the Israelites to walk through? It was literally like that.

"If you men don't know how to give a girl some space than there's a corner for you to cry on! Goodness, why does each morning need to be like this? And you girl, stop making your ocean of boys more wider. We already have enough problems for that Kai, Luhan and Kris crowd." Professor Kang nagged as he fanned himself.

The crowd eventually dispersed once he walked away.

"Why are you even so popular these days?" Eunmi asked once she and Jaya walked towards me. "I dunno." I shrugged before we walked to our respective classrooms. We talked a few things here and there and we stopped mid-sentence when a guy awkwardly walked towards usーbehind him was Kai and he didn't looked too happy at the sight.

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