CH. 2 Old Nightmares and New Dreams

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I stormed out the door my temper flaring. I shoved Harry away from me and screamed at him, "YOU JERK. For a second, I thought you actually liked me!" I turned away to hide the tears gathering around the edges of my eyes. "What am I? Some sort of publicity stunt? Or just another girl to use and throw away?"

"No. You looked lonely, and at first I just wanted a girl to hang out with. Since, you didn't know who I was, I thought it be cool to hang out with some one as Harry not Harry Styles." he explained while chasing me down the street.

"Just leave me alone! I have enough problems as it is. I don't need to be hooking up with a British popstar."

"That's not why I want to hang out with you. I really like you, greasy pizza and all." I knew he was trying to cheer me up, but this was exactly how Ky was before...

"Go away. I'm not like other girls. I'm not going o do whatever you want just because you're Harry Styles."

"Trust me... I noticed. I love that about you."

"You shouldn't love anything about me. We just met." I didn't mention the fact that I had already fallen in love with him.

"I..." he glanced around the street we had wandered down. There were no working streetlights and half the windows were boarded up and the other half was broken. The sad thing was I recognized the street.

"Harry... Let's go." My eyes searched the alleys around us. Anyone of them could be hiding him.

"Listen... I really like you."

"Ok, fine. Let's go now." I was getting desperate.

"What? Why?"

"Harry, please! Let's go NOW. HARRY PLEASE. WE NEED TO GO NOW." The tears streamed down my face and I couldn't breath. I was going into a panic attack. A figure started waking towards us, and I knew who it was before I could see him.

Ky stepped closer and when he saw me he started to laugh. He was drink and his hand closed around the knife that probably still had my blood on it. I was suddenly over aware of the cut on my arm.

"I didn't think you were coming back," he looked at me mischievously.

"I'm not," I muttered trying to dry my tears before he noticed.

"Really, then why are you here?"

"It's just a coincidence," I lied. I knew that I had instinctually walked to Ky's street without even realizing it.

"Who's this guy?" Harry stared at the two of us trying to connect the dots.

"Nobody. Let's go." I grabbed Harry's hand and started to turn around.

"I'm not letting you get away again, sweetheart." Kung trimmed my arm he had cut 2 days ago. "I see you still have my little souvenir." He nodded towards the cut.

"Let go of me, Ky." I was trying to stay calm, but on the inside I was panicking. Images of him drunk yelling at me flashed through my head. The knife cutting into my skin. My screams mixed with blood and tears.

Harry stepped forward and pushed Ky away, "Dude, go away. We're not here for trouble ."

"I am." Ky raised the knife, and I screamed as I heard someone yell and fall to the ground.

"Harry! Harry!" My voice was desperate. I spun around to see Harry with a raised fist over Ky's unconscious body. "Are you ok?" My eyes ran across him to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"Ok, I guess."

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and reached down to grabbed the knife out of Ky's fingers. He folded up the knife and slipped it into his pocket. He pulled up out his phone and sent a text to someone. "I just texted my driver. Don't worry. He doesn't ask questions."

"Ok," he saw me staring at the pocket with Ky's knife in it.

"I'm making sure he can never use it again."

"Oh, thanks for dealing with him."

"How do you know him?"

"We used to date."

"Ok." He didn't ask, but my story started pouring out anyway.

"When we first met, he was amazing. He loved me, or so I thought. He told me that he'd love me forever. When my dad died, my mom just gave up. She refused to eat or sleep. She would sit alone at the kitchen table staring at his chair. I was able to get a little food into her occasionally, but she never said anything. I would spend hours yelling at her to try and get her to come back to Earth, but she never did.

After my fights, or if you even call them that, with my mom. I'd run to Ky for comfort. He would kiss me and tell me it was ok, and I believed him. He never pushed to far or did anything to hurt me until two days ago.

Usually, I texted him before I came, but this time my mom wouldn't even eat the bite of food she usually did, and it was late and I was frustrated and sad and angry, so I ran to Ky. I didn't bother grabbing my phone, so I didn't text him. I came into his apartment crying as usual, but he was.... with a girl.

I started yelling at him and he pulled away from the girl and tried to make some stupid excuses. He sent the girl away, but I was too angry to notice that he was drunk or how crazed he was. He pulled out a knife and sliced open my arm as a warning. Then he beat me. In the morning, he passed out, and I ran away as fast as I could. That's when I went to the club club, and I've been there ever since." I looked at Harry ready for him to sat something. He didn't. Instead he leaned down and pulled me into kiss. He was Harry, my Harry.


Thanks for reading and I'm still figuring it out as I go, so no judging. ;)



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