Ch 11 Threats and Teddy Bears

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I was fine waking through the parking lot. I was fine walking into the hospital. I was fine when Louis signed us in. I was fine sitting down. I was fine when the nurse came and told us we could visit Harry, but we had to keep it calm and slow because he had a minor concussion. I was fine when she told us he had a couple of broken ribs and a broken leg. I was fine when we started to walk down the hall. I was fine when we got to Harry's room.

Then she opened the door. I wasn't fine. She opened the door to Harry with his eyes closed, his leg propped up and wrapped in plaster, and all of theses wires booking him up to all of these machines. I collapsed. Zayne crouched down to my pathetic now sobbing self. He grabbed my hand and started talking to me, but I couldn't hear him.

I could hear him taking but couldn't process his words. The hospital was blurred and swirling around me. Everything faded in and out of focus. The nurse was crouching down asking me questions that I didn't understand.

A bunch of people came over trying to talk to me, but then a beeping started. They all looked into Harry's room where he was pulling himself from the machines trying to get up. Nurses were running over to him trying to push him down into the bed, but he was fighting them.

One of them pulled out a needle plugging it into his arm. His eyes rolled back and he slumped into the waiting arms of several nurses. They laid him back in bed hooking him back up to his monitors.

They rushed back to me but I was already getting up trying to get to Harry. They blocked me from his room and yelled something to the boys. Liam, Louis, and Zayn pulled me back and Zayn picked me up slinging me over his shoulder. I tried beating on his back but my blows didn't seem to affect him.


"You can't because you cause Harry too much stress apparently." I let loose a string of colorful curses but Zayn pulled me out to the parking lot. He set me down next to his car.

"I'm going to see Harry," I tried to push him aside, but he blocked me.

"Leah, he has a concussion. he can't do anything that will excite him or stress him out. Today you freaked him out when you collapsed. You are a threat to his health."

"I AM NOT A THREAT TO HIS HEALTH." He leaned in for a kiss. I tried to dodge it because I knew he was trying to distract me, but I failed. The kiss was amazing , so I leaned into it. He pushed me against the car and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're a threat to mine," he grinned. I pulled away from the kiss and rested my forehead against his smiling.

"Hold on Malik, you are good at distractions but you're not fooling me." I tried to escape, and he stuck out his bottom lip pouting.

"But I don't wanna yell at doctors."

"Too bad, besides Ill be doing the yelling."

"Yeah and I'll stand behind you looking menacing and tough."

"About as tough as a teddy bear," I said rolling my eyes.


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