Ch 17 Leaving

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*Leah's POV*

I walked in a daze back to Liam's room. I slammed the door behind me and fell onto the bed. I pressed my face against a pillow and started to scream. I had spent half of the day screaming but that didn't stop me. I screamed because I had to choose between the two greatest guys in the world in a week! A WEEK! How was I supposed to choose? I had been here a day and managed to split up One Direction, temporarily but still.

I got up off the bed and walked over to the bathroom. I leaned against the counter and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was confused. Why did Zayn and Harry like me so much? I wasn't pretty. I wasn't ugly but I wasn't pretty. I was average, brown hair brown eyes. Dull, average. I wasn't really nice; I kept trying to strangle people. I couldn't find anything about me that made me likable. Why did they like me to the point of getting hit by a car? Plus even if I was amazing and fantastic somehow, they met me A DAY AGO! It's kind of ridiculous.

Why would they fall in love with a random girl who wasn't special at all? Why would hey break up their global band for a girl they met a day ago? Why would they get drunk or angry over me? it didn't make sense.

What was I supposed to do? Was I supposed to choose or just give up and walk away? Maybe I should walk away. it would be easier for everyone. Harry and Zayn would get over it and remember me as that crazy girl who split them up and I would go back to be really boring life. Not that I had a real life before them but if I was able to fix this by leaving I would. Kt was settled. I was leaving. Didn't know where to but I had to go. I knew it was cowardly and mean but they would get over it.

I took a breath clearing my mind and walked over to Liam's bedside table where there was some paper. it took me a while to find a pen but I eventually found one under the bed. I started to write my goodbyes.


I know it was ridiculously short but whatever.

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