CH. 4 Cheese Dip and SpongeBob

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Justin opened the door on my side, so I got out before Harry. When he got out, he was back to being his funny hot self.

"The guys are probably all sleeping on the couches, so you can sleep in one of the guest rooms they were supposed to be in." He smiled at me.

"Ok works for me, but I literally have no clothes."

"Don't worry, I can buy you some, but for tonight you can sleep in something my sister left. She keeps some clothes here in case."

"Ok, Thanks. Wait, I don't know who's who."

"It's ok. I'll introduce you." He led me to the door of his apartment building and Justin opened it for him. We rode the elevator to the fifth floor and entered an apartment that was bigger than I had ever see.

"Wow! you didn't tell me your apartment was this big."

"Really? this one is one of the smaller ones of I had in in a while." I rolled my eyes at his rich kid persona. he led me down the hallway to what I guess was the living room. A giant flatscreen TV was playing SpongeBob but it was on mute, so I couldn't hear it. There were three couches arranged in a U shape. One held a blonde guy hanging asleep upside down holding a can of whip cream and another guy with sort of light caramel colored hair sleeping. The second one held a guy with his attention fixated on the muted cartoon. The last one held the last member of One Direction ( I think ) who wore a leather jacket and spiked up hair and glanced our way when we entered.

"I'm surprised they fell asleep," Harry gestured to the couch with the sleeping boys.

"Yeah, they fell asleep about half and hour ago." it was the leather jacket spiky hair guy that talked. There was something about him that I liked. Maybe it was the fact the table in from of him had a bowl of cheeses dip and I really like cheese dip.

"Zayn, this is Leah. She'll be staying with me tonight." oK, Spiky Hair was Zayn. What did I know about Zayn? I think he was engaged or something.

"Nice to meet you, Leah. So your American?"

"Yeah but I've lived in London since I was 13, but the accent never really rubbed off."

"Really, that's cool."

"So your here to have fun with Harry." The comment came from the other couch, the one with the guy watching SpongeBob. I blushed deep red, but luckily the only lights came from the TV, so I don't think anyone noticed.

"That's Liam," Harry pointed to the speaker. "And no she'll be staying in your room."

"Harry, Harry. I don't even know her." I laughed. Liam was really funny.

"What? No..." Harry was flustered.

"It's ok. I have really high expectations and you don't quite cut it." Liam was stunned by my comment. it was Harry's turn to laugh. Man, I loved his laugh.

"He doesn't meet anyone's expectations." Liam jumped on Zayn when Zayn said it. I started laughing and couldn't stop; I was delirious from lack of sleep and these guys were so immature and funny. I expected Harry to be laughing like me, but his eyes were stony and he was silent. What was his problem?

"Geez, lighten up Harry. What's your problem?" Liam walked over and punched Harry lightly on the arm.

"Nothing, I'm just tired."

Zayn walked over armed with a bowl of cheese dip and a handful of chips. He flicked the light on and revealed a kitchen door. He was about to go into the kitchen when he stopped and started to stare at Harry's hand.

"Harry, what the hell happened to your knuckles? Did you get in a fight?" I looked at Harry's knuckles and saw that they were now colored with purple bruises. I hadn't noticed them in the dark, but it was obvious now that he had punched Ky

"Management is going to kill you if they find out." Liam was opening a can of soda and took a gulp.

"Who's Management?"

"The people that tell us what to do, when to do it, and are constantly making sure we're not doing something wrong or unacceptable."

"They can just control your life like that?"

"We signed a contract, and they really do mean well, but they can get annoying sometimes."

"That's ridiculous."

"You get used to it after a while."

"So who'd you punch?" The voice cam from the living room. I turned around to see the blond headed one with the whip cream walking towards us.

"No one." Harry looked at me. I knew he wasn't sure if he should say who it was for my sake but I didn't care. Ky was just a jerk nothing else.

"Actually, it was my old boyfriend. He tied to stab me with a knife." I didn't mention the again part but I wasn't ready to quite yet.

"Oh..." they all stood there awkwardly staring at me.

"Sooo, anyway who are you?" The blonde kid looked at me surprised that I didn't know who he was. "Sorry I'm not into boybands. I didn't even know who Harry was." Liam and Zayn started laughing. "What?"

"It's just that Harry is the most popular one in the group and everyone knows who he is. He brags about most of the day."

"I knew who Harry Styles was, but I didn't recognize him until I saw his picture on a magazine."

"Nice," another voice joined the group. It was the boy that was on the couch with the blonde.

"Who are you people?" I was exasperated. I didn't know anything about them.

"I'm Niall." Ok, blonde is Niall. That only leaves Louis. He must be the one with the caramel hair and blue eyes.

"So that means you're Louis right?"


"Ok I think I got this straight, but I really need to get some sleep."

"I'll be there in a second." Liam looked at me, grinning like an idiot.

"In your dreams,"

"No, in yours." Normally a comment like this would have creeped me out but I knew he was just joking and he was cute that way.

"Ok, let me show you your room." Harry pointed down the hall. I followed him to a simple bedroom. When he was sure we were alone, he looked at me worried, "You know Liam's just joking around right."

"Harry calm down I know."

"He was being a jerk. I'm sorry."

"Harry, he was just joking around."

"I know."

"Is the great Harry Styles jealous? I raised my eyebrows slightly amused.

"Of course not!"

"Whatever you say." I walked through the door leaving Harry and closed it behind me making sure to lock it even though Liam was just joking. I barely made it to the bed before falling asleep. I didn't even change out of my jeans. And it wasn't Liam that I hoped to dream about, it was Harry my Harry.


Give me feedback plz

I really hope you liked this chapter.


Kathlyn 😊😊😊

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