Chapter 6

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    It's Saturday. I went out side to check the mail. I grabbed it and went into the house and looked through the it. I came across one that was for me. "Mom, Dad come here please. I got something from Coach. Lung." I said excitedly and ran into the living room, because I wouldn't wait for them to get up.

    "Well open it up Camey let's see what he said." They said.

    I sat between the  two. I opened it up, and read it out loud: 


                   "Dear, Camey,

                            I have seen you surf, and let me tell you something. You are a              good surfer. I would like to go to your next match if you don't mind.

                           I will bring a camera and two people I know to watch you, okay? They might help me decide if you are going to join our olympics team. Just tell me your next match, on the phone, is okay. Please and thanks.


                                                                                                     Coach. Lung."

I was so excited so I text Coach. Lung my next match he said he will come. "Mom, Dad, did you here that? They might let me join their olympics team." I was so happy.

    I called John and told him the news he was happy for me. I called Coach. Harlow he was so proud, he emailed all the teammates and they were so proud of me. They actually said that I might, or maybe join the olympics. I was happy all day. I put the note on my wall, at the end of the day and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Authors note: I think this is a good chapter what about y'all?



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