Day 11- 04/26/2017

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In this collection, each chapter is named in a numerical order of "days". They go from "Day 1", "Day 2", and so on. However, each chapter may not be written the day after the other. The gap between "Day 5" and "Day 6" may be a week, and the gap between "Day 2" and the next may be only one day. Significance? The in-between's don't matter.

As an adult with a job, when you look back to your high school years, do you remember failing that chemistry quiz? Or dodging a ball in gym? No, you remember graduation and prom. Reminiscing your days as an athlete, do you remember slipping in training? Or do you remember the wins and trophies and roaring crowds? Looking at your past performances, you think of the stage lights and applauds and how it felt to perform not the mistakes you made in rehearsals. You see, there are milestones in life; graduating, getting married, getting a promotion, competing, performing. There are also the little things that come between those; fights, late nights studying or working, long hours training or practicing. Now, which of the two will you remember in 20 years? Which of the two will really matter?

What's the point in lying in bed and thinking about the little mistakes you do for hours? What's the point in torturing yourself for the mistakes you do that won't matter in 10 years? We often forget that not everything needs to be dwelt so much upon. We forget that some things we can move on from because there are important days and there are fillers.

Take note of those important ones, both good and bad. But the little ones that happen in between? The honest mistakes? The misunderstandings? Let them go.  The moment you dwell on these things is the moment you let go of all that could be.

You are only given so many pages to fill. Don't waste your space and time on the things that won't matter in the future, the things that won't change who you are and who you will become, the in-between's. You have and you will have so many great moments in your life, both tragedies and triumphs. These are the ones that deserve to be remembered; these are the ones that matter because these are the ones that will make you who you are meant to be and the life that you were meant to live.

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