Chapter 16 - Bonnie's return and rehearsing for Miss Mystic Falls.

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Ally's POV;

I opened my eyes to the sun shining on my face, making me smile and get up in a good mood. I walked into the shower and washed through my hair and body before getting out and getting dry and dressed.

I looked in the mirror and brushed through my hair, thinking of what John said to me last night, how Satine had gave me away knowing my foster parents were vampire hunters... Hold on.

Foster parents?

No my mom couldn't have been a vampire hunter, no way. She was a lawyer, a well paid and respected lawyer. Nothing else. Or was she?

I ran my shaky hand through my hair before hearing the door close downstairs, I looked sharply towards the stairs and walked down them. My foster dad stood by the door with a smile on his face, he ruffled my hair before walking into the kitchen and making a coffee. I followed after him and said "Dad? Can we talk for a minute?" He turned to me and mumbled "Yes, sweetheart. What is it?"

He brought his mug to the table and sat opposite me as I played with my fingers and said "What is in the garden shed?" He frowned in confusion and mumbled nervously "Just gardening tools, the usual stuff. Why?" I noticed he wasn't looking me in the face so I muttered "Look me in the eyes and say that." He looked sharply in my direction and asked "Why? Have you been in there?"

I gulped and mumbled "I found the key in the cupboard and went over to the shed and opened it. Let's just say it certainly wasn't gardening tools I saw." He slammed his fist down on the table and growled "Why did you even go in there in the first place?!" I looked up from my hands and snapped "Why did you keep it from me in the first place?!"

He sighed and muttered "You don't know what the tools are for anyway." I snorted and said "Do you really think i'm that stupid? They're vampire hunting weapons, dad." His eyes widened in shock as he asked "You know about vampires?" I nodded and mumbled "I kinda gathered by the stakes and the fact you put vervain in my coffee." He looked at the table and muttered "You weren't supposed to find out."

I argued angrily "Well I have! What was mom's job?! The whole time she was always away, off doing 'cases' with 'client's'. What was her real job dad?! What is yours?!"

He leaned against the back of his chair and took a deep breath as he explained "She was a vampire hunter, yes. When we were in New York she wasn't working with clients, while you were at school we were hunting vampires. I work with the council, sweetheart. But if they find out i've told you, i'm off of the council within a click of their fingers and out of a job. I help them keep the vampire problem under control, we've been working late each night making sure there are no vampires around."

I gulped and whispered "How did mom die?" He mumbled "It was a car crash, honey." I looked up and asked "Really?" He whispered "Yes." I shook my head and muttered "You're lying. Tell me the truth, i've listened to the lies for too long."

He sighed and nodded as he said "You were at school, me and your mother were out, we knew they were coming, they got to her before I could stop them, and they killed her." I blinked my tears away and tried to stay calm as I asked "Who are they?" He shook his head and mumbled "That doesn't matter anymore, they're gone." I exhaled slowly and whispered "I can't think about this right now, i'm going to school."

I got up from the table and left the room, hearing my dad call "Ally, wait!" I slammed the door shut and walked down to Elena's, hoping to forget about all of it. When I got to her house I took a deep breath, wiped under my eyes for any escaping tears and knocked on her door.

After a few moments Elena opened it with a smile and gave me a hug, followed by Jeremy as we all pulled away and started walking to school.

I had always been good at making people believe I was ok when I really wasn't, except from with Damon, ofcourse. I don't know how or why but he knew when I was sad or when something was wrong just by looking at my posture or face. He has too much spare time, I guess.

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