Leo (f) x Cancer (m) Tell Me What You Think About Me And My Food

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Leo's pov

I watched my best friend and crush I was trying to get over with making lasagna, my favorite dish. He was very concentrated on every slice and dice he made, trying to make everything perfect.
"Will you stop staring goof." Cancer said turning to me his brown eyes catching mine "If you're just gonna sit there you might as well help me. Can you go get the noodles from the cabinet and then open the sauce up?"
I nodded my head happy he trusted me enough to help him cook. He never lets anyone do that.
After putting the lasagna in the oven the two of us took a seat on the couch each grabbing something to read. I was on Wattpad as he just read a normal hard cover.
I stared at a chapter reading what it said in detail. How to know if your crushes likes you.
1: smiles whenever they see you or when you speak
2: doesn't like you looking at opposite gender or what kind you are into. Wants you to focus only on them.
3: makes up excesses to hang out with you
4: let's you help with things they will not let others do.
I was in utter shock reading at those. Cancer always smiled around me, always hates when I'm close to other boys saying I'm not giving him enough attention, we are with each other almost 24/7, and he just let me help him cook.
When the food was ready I dug in. Cancer chuckled at me before wiping my cheek clean. It was my chance. I leaned in catching his lips. He was frozen for a second but started to kiss back holding me tight.
"I should cook more often for you." Cancer chuckled "If that's my reward."

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