Virgo (f) x Aries (m) Please No

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Virgo's pov

I was worried about my boyfriend. He had been more angry lately. I just wish he would tell me why.
"Aries." I said as I heard the door slam shut "You okay?"
"I'm fine." He hissed "Now leave me alone!"
"Are you sure?" I asked "You look mad."
"Maybe cause you won't shut up." He growled pinning me to the wall "Why don't you just listen?"
I froze in fear. I had been in this position before with my ex. He had been very abusive and being trapped again scared me.
"I'm sorry!" I cried "Please don't hit me please!"
Aries froze in shock moving his hands away from me. I slid down to the floor hugging my knees.
"Virgo." He said worried "I'm so sorry."
He kneeled down beside me pulling me in to a hug. I slowly melted into his warmth as I cried.
"I'm so sorry." He sighed "I didn't mean to scare you. I would never hurt you like he did I swear. I've just been stressed and fighting with my brothers a lot. I'm sorry I've been acting cruel."
"It's okay." I sniffled "Just talk to me next time."
He nodded before kissing my head. I knew deep down he'd never hurt me like my ex did. I sighed in his arms enjoying his warmth as he just held me tightly in his arms.

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