Scorpio (m) I Hate You I Love You

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Some are sad, might bring some feels *^*
Aries (f) x Scorpio (m)
Aries's pov

  I'd been missing Scorpio a lot since he had to go on a trip to see his grandfather, who wasn't doing so well. It had been two weeks and I had been crying and curled up in a ball for almost those two full weeks.
  I heard the door open and when I saw Scorpio enter the house I ran to him throwing my arms and legs around his body.
  "Well hello." He chuckled "Miss me?"
  "You have no idea." I said looking up at him "I just wanna feel your kiss against my lips"
  He smirked leaning his head down capturing my lips in his. I had missed him so much.

Taurus (f) x Scorpio (m)
Taurus's pov

  I was sitting under one of the trees durning lunch, looking at the ground. I missed him so much and I hated that we split. I saw Scorpio heading to the gates to get off campus. He caught my eyes and froze.
  "You know." I cried "It hurts me every time I see you! You just always look so happy, I guess I didn't do a good job being your girlfriend."
  "Tar." He said walking over to me "I haven't been happy. I'm just good at hiding it. It breaks my heart seeing you so sad. I want you back."
  I looked up at him crying before hugging him. He slowly wrapped his arms around me and I just stayed in his warm embrace happy to have him back.

Gemini (f) x Scorpio (m)
Gemini's pov

  Do you ever just wonder what's the point? You get hurt by people you trust, you just want it all yo go away. I looked over the bridge I was on and stared at the water. I was tired of being here.
  I carefully climbed over the railing and held on tight to it as I kept staring at the water. It will be over soon. Before I could jump arms wrapped around me pulling me back tight against the railing. I looked up to see Scorpio holding me.
  "Don't you realize just how much I need you?" He asked pulling me over the railing "I can't lose you Gem. I know the world is tough but I'll be here to help you through it okay?"
  I just nodded my head burying my face in his chest crying my heart out. I couldn't leave him.

Cancer (f) x Scorpio (m)
Cancer's pov

  I sighed as I stared at my ex kissing his new girlfriend. I looked down at my drink before taking a sip. The signs had decided to throw a party since we all just graduated from college.
"You need to tell him how you feel." I turned to see my friend Aquarius "If you're gonna move on you need to tell him how you feel."
"You're right." I muttered "I'm just a little scared."
"Don't be." She smiled patting my back "I'll be right here when you're done."
I nodded and headed towards Scorpio and his girlfriend. I tapped his shoulder and asked if I could speak to him for a second. His girlfriend gave me a small smile before walking away.
"What do you need to say-"
"Look You want her, you need her, and I'll never be her." I said kissing his cheek "Its time I get over you. You probably won't see me for a while. I hope you're happy. Goodbye Scorpio."
I left him stunned in shock as I walked over to Aqua. She threw her arm around my shoulder hugging me. It's time to move on.

Leo (f) x Scorpio (m)
Leo's pov

  I felt bad for Scorpio, he ended up finding out his best friend had killed herself. She was tired of life and her depression was just to strong for her to turn back.
  Scorpio ditched class more than usual, hardly went out, was ignoring his friends, sister, and me. I knew he wasn't going to show up to next period so as soon as the bell rung I ran out to go find him.
  I found him by the garden looking at all the flowers. I walked over to him wrapping my arms around his body.
  "You need to let it out Scorpio." I said "Friends can break your heart. But she wouldn't want you to be doing this to yourself. She'd want you to be happy."
  "I know." He said a tear falling down his face "Promise you won't leave me to."
  "I promise." I said wiping his tear away "I'll always be here."

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