Scorpio (f) x Scorpio (m) Forced Together Part 3

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Scorpio's pov

  I slammed the door behind us locking it as we left our parents and future husbands in shock. I held Aqua close as she cried in my arms. Someone knocked on the door, we ignored it hoping whoever it was would go away. The two of us froze as the door was kicked open reviling a pissed off Scorp and Gemini.
My sister and I were pulled into their arms and they pressed their lips to ours. I was in shock it was the first time we had kissed and against all better judgment I kissed back.
  "Listen to me." Scorp muttered in my ear "I never want you to look at me that broken again, cause the two of us hate seeing the girls we love in pain because of us."
"Love?" Aquarius cried trying to get out of Gemini's arms failing "If you loved us you wouldn't have been kissing those other women!"
"We where drunk out of our minds hanging with our friend Taurus." Gemini said "We had no idea what happened that night."
"You mean it?" I asked, the boys nodded "I'm sorry.."
Aqua muttered an apology before hugging Gemini who kissed her head. I looked at Scorp in his eyes seeing no sign of lying only love, I hugged him tight.
"We would never hurt you two like that on purpose." He said running his fingers through my hair "Cause we love you girls."
"We love you guys too." Aqua and I said at once "We really do."
They kissed us once again and a week later my sister and I are blessed with being their wives. I couldn't have been more happier.

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