Pisces (f) x Scorpio (m) You Know I Hate It

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Pisces's pov

  I was curled up in a ball in the hallway listening to this girl talk about me to a few people. She knew I went outside and could hear everything.
  "Pisces is a slut." She said loudly "We all know the bitch fucks around just for fun even with taken men. Hell she flirted with my ex boyfriend when we were still dating. I blame her for why I broke up with him."
  I started blocking everything out as I started cry. I was having a panic attack and couldn't stop it. I started scratching at my wrist not caring about what was happening I couldn't hear anything I could only feel the burning pain as I scratched at my skin.
  "Pisces!" Someone yelled "Pisces snap out of it!"
  I was pulled out of my attack and looked up seeing my boyfriend Scorpio. He had been in the room where the girl was talking about me. Know one knew that the two of us had been dating for months.
  "Shh babe." He muttered hugging me "It's okay."
  I cried in his arms as the others walked out. The girl shot me a ugly look but my friends Aries and Virgo pushes her away.
  "Look what happened to our friend!" Virgo growled her eyes sending daggers to the girl "I hate girls like you. Spreading fucking lies to look like the victim to get attention. Get the fuck out of here before I break your nose."
  The girl ran off and Virgo went back to her worried caring self.
  "Aries come on." She said grabbing her boyfriend's arm "We need to get Pisces a bandage and some anti bacterial cream."
  I watched the two run off as Scorpio pulled me gently off the ground.
  "I hate it you know.." I muttered "That my entire life there is always someone talking about me, spreading lies, trying to hurt me."
  "I know." Scorpio said kissing my forehead "There will always be people like that in the world. But remember I'll be by your side no matter what."
  His lips fell on mine as he slowly started kissing me. I was happy to have him in my life.

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