Aquarius (f) x Gemini (m) Feeling Broken

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Aquarius's pov

  I watched Gemini laugh as a girl whispered something in his ear. It had been over a month since we broke up. A boy who had a obsession with me threatened to hurt Gem if I didn't leave him and go with this boy.
  I froze feeling his arm go around me. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Gemini turned and I felt a tear roll down my cheek, his eyes widened but before he could do anything I was dragged away.
  "I'm sick of this!" I cried when I was pushed against a tree by my stalker "Can't you see I don't love you!"
  "Well if you don't love me!" He hissed in my ear "Know one else will."
  His fist smashed against my skull and the world went black. It felt like forever when my heavy eyelids finally opened.
  I slowly sat up hissing in pain. I looked around seeing I was in a hospital room my arms and legs covered in bandages. I gently touched my head feeling it also wrapped.
  "Aqua?" A voice said I looked up seeing Gemini "Thank God!"
  He ran over pulling me into a comforting hug. I cried in his arms, missing them so much.
  "I saw him hurting you." He said kissing my head "Why did you even hang out with that guy?"
  "He said if I didn't leave you he would kill you.. and if he could do this to me I was scared about what he would do to you.." I cried, feeling broken "Where is he?"
  "In jail." Gemini said wiping my tears away "You're safe he can't hurt you again. I'm just glad I got to you in time."
  I nodded my head and melted into his arms when is lips fell upon mine. I had him back..finally.

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