Chapter 2

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I'm going to start doing both points of view. If i put V. K. Its for Valentina, or Katrina. Since she's taken on her middle name for the new place, I'm putting both letters but she wont be called Katrina forever ;) thanks for reading! Xoxo

Chapter 2


I had no idea what to expect when I was called in to the office. There was no missions to be done so I had know idea why I was needed.

But that's when I met her. I admit, first landing eyes on her bright blue ones, I was drawn to her. I haven't seen such a beautiful girl before. Long, dark brown hair that has natural curls that are almost black. Her face is flawless, not one imperfection. She has perfect curves in all the right places and a small, well-kept figure, so you know she's very active. There's almost a sad, lostness in her eyes that peaks my curiosity and matches my own.

Her accent is very alluring, interesting in its own way and has a beautiful sound when words flow from her.

When she took her jacket off, it revealed colorful, inked arms that made me wonder where else might be inked.

And then she beat me. And I never lose. Her confidence irritates me and her little "bitch" comment enrages me. She has no idea who I am.

I'm trying my best to stay away from her but its proven to be difficult already and its only the first day.

I even came back so late to avoid running into her, only to find her locked out. I had closed the door behind me and tossed my keys on the table. Then the guilt hit me and a groan escaped my lips. I grabbed my old license and helped her. But that'd be the last time.

I hope..

Seeing her on the balcony caught me off guard, seeing her in just an oversized t-shirt. More tattoos displayed on her legs and I had to shift uncomfortably as tension grew. I wont let myself be attracted to such an infuriating woman.

My head wouldn't stop thinking as I stared at the ceiling trying to sleep. My eyes eventually shut and I was nearly asleep when a scream pierced my ears.

My legs jumped from the bed before my mind caught up with me. I slid the glass door of the balcony open, stepping onto the rail and jumping over onto her balcony. I swung her glass door open and my mind finally caught up to me. My jaw dropped at the realization what I had just done.

Katrina's head is hung low, with her hair shielding her face and her legs are drawn to her chest. Her arms are wrapped tightly around them, hugging them as close as she can. Her body shakes, from what I think is fear.

"Katrina.." I approach the bed to see whats wrong.

"Go away.." Her voice was almost broken, and so quiet it was hard to hear.

"What's wr--"

"I said go away!" She shouts and I step back. My blood begins to boil and I freeze in my tracks. All I'm trying to do is help and.. Her head finally turned to me as she shouts words in what I assume is Russian. There's terror, sadness, and pain in her eyes. She looks so lost.. and it looks like she may be crying but she's trying hard to hide it. I start to approach again but she shouts again, in English this time. "You don't care! Why are you here?! Just go away!" My heart sinks.

Guilt hits me hard like a brick and I leave the room abruptly, jumping back over to my balcony and slamming the door shut. My blood boils but the guilt for being mad at her turns back around, and I'm angry at myself. I made her think I hated her.

Its probably for the best..

But why was she so upset? And terrified?

The woman is driving me mad after one day and I can't get her out my damn mind! I'm drawn in by her and I can't let it continue. I have to keep my distance.

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