Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


Go! Go! Go! I'm mashing the cars petal as hard as I can but it doesn't seem to go fast enough. I've been driving for a good 15 minutes and I should be there soon. If she's still there..

I shove the thought away and look around the barely lit streets. Only some of the lights remain lit anymore. I pull over at 10th street, and jump out of the car. Growls echo in the night and I follow the sound. My heart pounds in my chest, not in fear of the vampires. But in fear of what they could have done if I didn't make it in time.

I stop outside of an old store where a crowd is formed. And then I hear her. Grunts, as someone fights their way through a crowd of vampires. I run over, shooting at them as I go. And then the worst sound imaginable.

Her scream. A scream of pure pain.

I had no time to react. I pulled out my second gun, shooting at every dead thing that gets in my way. She had taken out a good 10 by herself. Now I'm going to take out the rest.

One fall, they all fall. Dead vampires spread across the road. Every last one of them gone. And then I see the slightest movement, and dark hair.

"Val!" I run over and kneel in front of her.

She clutches her side and drops the stake that was in the other hand. "Th-there was.. too.. many.."

Removing her hand, I stare down at the large claw marks along her ribs, and down her stomach. They're deep and bleeding everywhere. "No.. no no no no no...." I yank my shirt off and tie it around her waist, tightening it to help slow the bleeding. "I'm so sorry.."

"Get out of here.. Their coming.." Her skin pales and she pushes at me to leave her. Growls echo from down the street and get nearer and nearer.

I grab her face and look her dead in the eyes. "I will not leave you. I'd rather die than leave you." Scooping her up, I run back to the car. I slide her in on the bench seat of the car and I get in beside her. Slamming the car into gear, I race past all the approaching vampires. She lays in my lap, clutching her wound.

"Carter.. If.. If I don't make it. Tell Serena and all of them.. I love them. And you.. if I don't make it.. I want to tell you.."

"Shh! No! Don't say anything else. You're not dying today do you understand? I wont let that happen! I can't lose you..." I race down the road to the sanctuary. "Its not much further.. just stay with me baby.. just stay with me.."

I race down the road, turning the 30 minute drive into 17. But still not fast enough. Her eyes start to close and I shake her head gently. "Wake up.. Stay with me!" I pull into the parking garag and jump out of the car.

"Carter..I can't breathe.." She gasps like she's choking and I spring into action.

I easily run while carrying her, straight to the infirmary. "Help! Someone help, please!!!"

"Oh my God.." A nurse rushes over with a gurney. "What happened?" I lay her down on it and she remains sitting up.

"She was attacked by a vampire.."

I can't breathe.." she doubles over gasping for air and looks as if she's going to be sick. The nurse grabs a bucket and I pull back her hair. She starts throwing up blood and my heart stops. She looks at the nurse. "Punctured lung.." she falls back on the gurney, hardly able to stay conscious.


"Roll her on her side!" I do as told by the doctor and they cut her dress down, revealing the marks. She takes a scalpal and cuts into Val. She then stabs a chest tube in her lung and Val screams.

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