Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


My mind is racing from everything thats happened. Her brother.. how? And why did he call her Val? He attacked her and before thinking I couldn't stop myself from pulling the trigger. Even if it did hurt her.

And then Everything stopped and was in slow motion when that vampire burst through the glass window. He bit her..

There's a small chance she wont be infected. But I rather believe she's not than lose all hope.

I've been such an asshole avoiding her and she never deserved it. And now she could die.

She's so selfless.. Immedietly pushed it aside to save Jack. Which was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. She was so cool under the pressure and forced herself to push through it, even with bite marks in her neck and claw marks on her shoulder.

I couldn't help my gaze from lingering on her without a shirt on. I tried so hard to focus on Jack, who eventually passed out from the blood loss but she didn't even know.

We sat leaned back in the van as medics lifted Jack out of the van and onto a gurney. He was rolled away and all that was left was just us.

My head hangs low as I stare at the floor. I breifly glance at her before looking away again. "Katrina.."

"I don't want to talk about it." She stares straight at the wall of the van that I'm leaning on.

"Well we have to, especially if it means you could die in a few hours."

She just shrugs and winces at her shoulder. "It doesn't matter. There's nothing we can do other than wait it out... I should probably leave the sanctuary before it happens. Just in case."

My head snaps up to face her. "No! You can't just leave. Especially if your not infected. You'll be killed out there."

"Then promise me if they test me and I'm infected.. kill me before I change into one of those monsters." Her eyes finally meet mine, cold and serious.

"I don't think I could.."

"You have to! Please. Promise me." Her eyes are pleading and my inward battle is lost.

"I promise.." Glancing around, the rest of the team makes their way over to us. I look back at her and quickly pull off my shirt, handing it to her before anyone can see her shirtless.

"Thank you.." she pulls it on and looks at me. Her gaze quickly turns to the rest of the team, as if trying to avoid seeing me.

"You kicked ass, Jack's gonna make it." Jared smiles at her and she returns it.

The first time I saw her smile, my heart stopped. It lit up her face and was so radiantly beautiful, it could kill someone with a heart attack.

"We should take you to see a doctor." He climb out of the van and help her out. Blood seeps through her shoulder bandage, which its been doing for awhile, but now its running down her arm. Its seeping through the bandage on her neck from the 2 puncture wounds and if it doesn't stop from both, she'll pass out.

"I choose to believe I wont be a vampire. But you know what must be done if I turn. I cant end up like Jakob." She looks up at me and I nod.

"You wont. I promise."


-V. K.

Quarantine. Isolation. My own personal hell.

Only bright side is I've gotten to shower and wear clean clothes. Other than that, its pure hell.

I sit, my back against the glass wall and Carter sits on the other side of it. "Why are you still here? I'm sure you have much better things to do."

"Nope." He tosses the tennis ball again, like he's been doing for the past hour, and catching it when it bounces back. "I made a promise. Besides if you died, who wants to be doing that alone."

I sigh and roll my eyes. "I've never wanted death to hurry the hell up already more than I do right now."

Mid-throw, his arm freezes. "Don't talk like that. Your not going to turn."

"No one ever gets bitten and doesn't turn. Those monsters cant control it."

"Well I have hope. Even if you don't." He throws the ball again.

"Fine. How long has it been?"

He glances at his watch. "Four hours. It should been happening any minute now."

My heart constricts in my chest as hope fades away. I turn so that I'm now facing his back. "Carter?"

He head turns slightly to look over his shoulder and then he turns to face me. "Yeah?"

I lay my hand flat on the window. "Thank you for staying."

"Don't mention it." He looks at my hand and his rises up, resting against mine. All of a sudden the walls are too thick, and closing in on me. I'm alone even if he's outside, its too far away.

I turn frantically, looking around the room. "I cant do this.. I cant by myself.." tears stream down my face.

"You're not by yourself. I'm right here." He tries to calm me but I stand abruptly. He does the same on the other side of the wall.

"But your not here! I'm trapped and going to die alone in a small chamber all alone!" Turning, I face the wall away from him. My blood boils and my hands clench into fist. I can't beleive I got bit.. My hand swings to punch the wall out of anger.

"Katrina! Stop!"

"If I do die I don't want anyone here to see it.. Just go Carter.." The sound of footsteps walking away echo through the silence. My shoulders shrug with relief and I look around the room. There's so much pain and I'm just ready for it to end. Poor Jakob.. Again! He died in front of me again..

The sound of the door creeking opens calls me away from my dark thoughts. Carter locks it behind him and turns to face me. He's in combat clothes, ready for me to turn.

"I'm not leaving."


"No. I made a promise to you that I wouldn't let you turn if it were going to happen. And I promised myself to not let you go through it bu yourself. I owe you that much.. after what I did to Jakob." He stares at the ground, guilt edging into his face.

I run up to him and wrap my arms around him.  He hugs me tightly and I start to sob. I hide my face from him, I never let someone see me cry. "Don't hide from me." He lifts my face up to him and wipes away my tears. "You're not gonna turn."

"You better hope so. I don't know how much restraint I will have when it happens."

"Don't worry about me." He releases me and I take my place back on the floor. He sits down beside me and stares at the wall ahead. "The doctor should be here any minute now with the results of your blood test. Then we'll know for sure."

"If its positive.. kill me."

"I will.."

"And the irony of it all.. It took me almost dying to get you to like me." We both laugh and I look at him. "So he does have a sense of humor."

"Well like you said. If you die, no one will know and my reputation will be fine." He smiles and nudges me.

"Looks like your going soft on me."

"I am not going soft!" He glares and I laugh.

"I guess we'll just have to see about that."

A knock on the glass window draws our attention to the doctor on the outside. We both stand to face him. "The results are in."

Before I think twice, I grasp Carter's hand. "Just rip off the band-aid." Carter's hand tightens around mine and the doctor sighs.

He opens the file and holds it up to the window for me to see. "You're not going to turn."

"I'm.. I'm  not.."

"Yes!" Carter shouts and scoops me up in his arms. I wrap mine around him and laugh as he spins me around.

"I'm .. I'm alive. I'm going to live.." But for some reason, the thought only brings me more sadness.

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