Chapter 13

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I'm thinking of making this a series. Let me know what yall think! Enjoy, xoxo!

Chapter 13

-V. K.

"Carter!" I scream and kneel beside him. He clutches his chest. I move to block Carter from Michael.

Michael aims his gun at me. "You.. you just couldn't do as you were told! You know we found out as soon as we all reached the bunker that it wasn't true. I knew from that very second what would be going on." He shakes his head and looks at my father and the preacher as they both get ready to pounce. "Another step and I blow her head off." They both stops and he looks back at me. "You ungrateful bitch, I could have given you everything!" He kicks me right in my wound and I cry out.

My stitches burst and blood soaks my dress. I look back at Michael, who cocks the gun aimed at my heart. And then the sound of a gun goes off and I close my eyes, flinching and waiting for my death. But instead, its another body that falls.

Opening my eyes, Jared stands behind Michael, who lies dead on the floor. I turn back to Carter and tears run down my cheeks. "Someone get help! Please!" I scream and turn towards my dad. "Get my medical bag!"

He runs over with it. "Sweetie you need help too.."

I shake my head and get my medical bag. I ignore the extreme pain in my side. I pack Carter's wound and pick his head up. I shine the light in his eyes. "Pupils responsive. GSW to the chest. He needs an O. R., NOW!!" I look at him, his eyes barely open. "Stay with me baby, please!"

Jared and the preacher lift him and carry him down to the infirmary. I clutch on my wound and blood stains my fingers.

"Val.." My father kneels and picks me up. He carries me down to the infirmary. We all reach there at the same time and my father lays me down on the gurney and I reach out for Carter.

"Sweetie we need you to stay still," the doctor tries to pull me back. I clutch Carter's hand and the other doctor starts shouting.

"He's crashing! We need to get him in the OR now!"

"No! Carter!" I scream and clutch his hand but it slips from mine.

"Miss stop! You'll tear the stitches that were closing your lung!" The nurse screams and I begin choking again. "Okay she's ripped them. Lets get her to the OR, now!" I start coughing up blood again and I fall back on the gurney as they wheel me away.


My eyes are heavy and it takes me a few moments before I can force them open.

"Hi sweetie," I look over at my dad beside my bed. My mother stands behind him and smiles down at me.

"There's my girl," she smiles and pulls up a chair beside me.

"Carter?" I look around the room but he's not there.

"He's almost out of surgery. The doctor said that the bullet just barely missed anything important. He was very lucky. He should be out any minute now." My mother looks sad, guilty. "I'm so sorry for the way I've been acting. I should have never allowed you to try to marry Michael."

"Its okay, mom. I know why you did it."

"I just wanted his recourses to find your siblings.. I knew he wouldn't give them over unless he had you.."

"But he did give us some of them before the wedding. That's why we pushed the wedding up. But me and Carter had a plan ourselves to stop it," my father looks guiltily at me.

"Its okay.. he's gone now." I sigh as releif fills me. But its not enough. My heart aches, in fear for Carter.

The door to the room opens and a gurney is rolled in and placed beside my bed. Carter's still asleep but he's alive and that's all that matters. My heart melts and I force myself up to see him. I grunt in pain but I force it away.

"Relax, you need to lay back sweetie." My father forces me to lay back down.

I stare over at my husband as tears fill my eyes. He's alive.. He's okay..

"Let's leave the 2 to rest, shall we?" The doctors motion for everyone to clear the room.

Yanking the wires off of me and my IV out of my arm, I force myself off the bed despite the pain it causes. I just barely make it to his bed before my legs collapse but I hold onto the rail to keep me up. I crawl in his bed beside him, careful not to hurt him.

It feels like forever before he wakes up. But I feel his hand grip my own and his eyelids flutter open.

He smiles at me, "There's my girl." His voice is quiet and weak but I manage to strain my ears to hear him.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again." I kiss his cheek and smile.

"I'll try not to," he laughs but its cut off by a grunt of pain. "You looked so beautiful in white by the way. I never got to tell you how amazing you looked."

"You almost didn't get to tell me at all.. You almost died because of me.." My throat constricts and tears form in my eyes again.

"Hey, I didn't okay? I'm fine now. Even better knowing that you're okay. And you're here." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Mrs. Reeves."

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