Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

-V. K.

"Aunt Val!" I jolt awake as Mattew comes running in the room. He's Serena's other child, 5 years old and as cute as can be. He's got dirty blonde hair and blue eyes just like his mother. And he has always proven to be a handful, a definent mix of both of his parents.

"Hi sweetie!" I smile as he jumps on the bed. I sit up and grunt at my side as pain shoots up it.

"Take it easy..," Carter rubs my back, his eyes still closed.

"Aunt Val, who's that?" Mattew points at Carter.

"That's Aunt Val's boyfriend," Serena comes in and smiles, eyeing us in the bed together.

"Well I wouldn't say boy--" Before I can finish, Carter's eyes open and he cuts me off.

"Yes you would." He pulls me closer and I giggle.

"But I thought Aunt Val was marrying Uncle Mikey?" Matthew looks from his mother, to me and Carter.

"Well not anymore," I smile at Matthew and he smiles back.

"Good. I didn't like him," Matthew giggles and looks at Carter. "So.. is that my new uncle?"

"Uhh.." I look at Carter, who just looks at me waiting for my response. How do I respond to that??

"Yes he is," Serena answers for both of us. Oh, that's how.

"Yay!" Matthew jumps on the bed and the movement causes me to grunt in pain.

"Matthew, what did I say about being careful??" Serena picks him up off the bed.

"Its okay, I'm fine."

"We have to get going anyways. We just wanted to come see how you're doing but it seems you're doing much better," Serena looks between me and Carter and winks. "Get better girly, I'll see you soon." She hugs me breifly before heading out.

"Bye Aunt Val!"

"By sweetie!" I wave goodbye as they leave.

Carter pulls me back down beside him and curls up. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I smile and lean over to kiss him. He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss.

"Well isn't this sweet." I jump and turn towards Michael who's standing in the doorway. Carter's wide awake in a second and he jumps to a sitting up position. "I need to talk to my fiancé alone."

"Tough shit," Carter sits protectively in front of me.

"What do you want Michael? And I'm not your fiancé anymore." I slip my hand into Carters and rub my thumb along it, attempting to soothe the tension and anger within him.

"According to your mother I am. I just wanted to inform you that they moved up the wedding. Its in 2 days. I'll leave your wedding gown in the living room for you." He leaves the room and I look at Carter.

"But.. no. No!" I put my face in my hands and tears begin to flow from my eyes.

"Shh.. It's going to be okay. I'm going to stop it. I swear.." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest.

"I'd rather die than marry him! I will die if I marry him. A part of me inside will just die! And he'd probably kill me one of these days from his beatings.." Sobs wrack my body uncontrollably and I cry in his shirt.

"I wont let that happen to you. I swear on my life.." He kisses my forehead and holds me as I cry.


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