Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

-V. K.

At first, I don't open my eyes, too lost in the feel of the soft sheets encompassing me. And then I realize that they're not my sheets.

My eyes immedietly open then, taking in my surroundings. The light fills the room and causes a sharp pain in my head and my eyes to close once more. I blink to adjust to the bright light and I glance around the unfamiliar room. Dark walls, a fan just above the bed, a closet, a nightstand on the other side of the balcony. And then my eyes land on him. Sleeping soundly in the chair across the room.

Carter sits back, eyes closed, shirtless in just a pair of sweatpants. My gaze travels down his bare chest and I instinctively look away before I start to stare. A blush creeps onto my cheeks and I force the embarrassment away.

My head falls back on the pillow with a soft thud and a groan escapes my lips. My eyes close and my head feels like someones hammering a nail into it. I don't know if its a hangover from the alcohol or whatever I was drugged with.

"Welcome back to the world of the living... Well some living at least." His voice startles me for a breif moment and I crack my eyes to look at him. He sits forward and rest his arms on his knees.

Another groan escapes my lips and I pull the other pillow over my head, barrying my face into the bed to get away from the light.

He releases a soft sigh, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps. The bed dips in under his weight as he takes a seat beside me. And then the pillow is taken from me.

"Nooo.." my voice is whiney and I try to pull the blankets over my head but he takes them back.

"You can't lay in my bed all day."

"I can try." I sit up and rub my throbbing head.

He moves off the bed and grabs a glass of water from the night stand, along with a bottle of aspirin. "Considering its 3 pm, I think you've been in bed long enough." He hands me the glass and the tiny pill.

"If the suns still up, then not nearly long enough." I smile and pop the pill in my mouth and gulp it down with the water. I pull the covers back over me as I lay down.

"Oh no you don't." He yanks the covers off the bed and laughs as I glare at him. "Get up and go head to the training room. You'll feel better once you're up and doing something. I have to go take care of some things, don't be in my bed when I come back unless you plan to be there all night, and not sleeping." He laughs at my face, jaw dropped and bug-eyed.

He grabs a shirt and slips it on and then his shoes. He waves goodbye before disappearing out the bedroom door.

Sighing, I pull myself out of the bed. Reaching into my bra, I pull out my apartment keys. What can I say, bras are great smuggling decices.

I shower up in my bathroom and get dressed in training clothes. I'm already starting to feel better, but I wish I could remember more from last night. I only remember snippets, but one thing I remember is dancing with Carter. All the way up until I passed out. Events before that, are a bit blurry, and anything after that is all black.

Sighing, I make my way to the training room and warm up. I wrap my hands and take my place into the punching bag. But I only get a few hits in before Derek comes up to me.

"Hey are you okay? You didn't seem so well at the party. You kinda passed out." He leans against the punching bag after it stops swinging.

"Too much to drink I guess. I feel fine now."

"You son of a bitch!!!" Carter's shout catches me off guard and I turn to see him approaching. His nostrils flare, eyes enraged, and his fists are clenched so tight it looks painful. He walks straight past me and yanks Derek up by his shirt. Carter has a good 5 inches on him, but he pulls him up to eye level. Then he drops the boy to his feet, and nails him right in the face.

"Carter! Stop!" Moving in between them, Carter's forced to back away. Derek looks terrified and shocked as he backs away, clutching his cheek. He looks a bit dazed and taken aback like he has no idea what's going on right now. Damn Carter must've really hit him..

"He drugged you! And he was the one that tried to take you back to you're room, I think we both know what he had planned!" He reaches for Derek again but I plant my feet in front of him.

I turn to Derek who looks calmer now, less afraid. "Is this true?"

"You're damn right it is!" Carter shouts through clenched teeth. "See for yourself!" He reaches for his phone and plays a video from the party. Derek's at the bar, fetching my cup when he slips something into it. Then he makes his way back to the dance floor and to me.

I turn to face Derek and he shrugs at me, smirking a bit. "What can I say? I thought you'd be a good lay. But way too fiesty to be an easy one."

My fists clench and before Carter has time to move, I'm beating him to it. I nail him right in the nose, and a loud cracking sound fills the room. Blood squirts out from his nose and he stumbles back.

"Fuckin' bitch! You broke my nose!" He clutches it and blood soaks his hands.

This time, Carter beats me to it. One swing. Instant knockout.

Gasps fill the room and I turn around, seeing all eyes on the whole scene. A huge wave of embarrassment hits me and I look back at Carter, who's staring at me now. I feel so stupid to have gotten drugged.. and what Derek said about being a good lay..

I feel as if I'm going to cry as I look from him, to Derek, to all eyes on me. And then I turn and run out of their so fast.

"Katrina! Wait!" Ignoring Carter's pleads, I run to the elevator and mash the button for the doors to close. For a split second I see Carter on the other side, shock in his face as he tries to run in the elevator with me. But he's too late and the doors close.

Stepping off the elevator, my shoulders shrug with relief and I can finally breathe nomally again. Although, I know Carter's probably racing his way up here, he's too late. I slowly make my way to my room, letting all the emotions rush over me and then release the overwhelming feelings.

When I get to my room, the door is wide open. I brace myself for whoever the intruder may be.

Walking in, I freeze in my place. "Director?"

He turns to face me. "Here she is." He steps aside and the 2 people I expect the least, emerge from behind him.

"Mom.. Dad.."

My father's the first to speak, "Hello, Valentina."

"Katrina! I'm so sor--" Carter freezes in my doorway as he looks at the King and Queen standing before him. He bows his head respectively, then looks at me. His eyes travel from them to me and he makes the connection. Hurt flashes in his eyes for the quickest second, and then they turn cold and glare at me. And then he leaves the room.

"Carter! I can explain!" I run out after him but his door slams shut right in my face.

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