The opportunity

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Shadow's room was messy as there was a lot of crap on the floor. He was laying belly down with his face in the pillows crying. "Hey Shadow," Charmy spoke. Shadow woke up with teary eyes and sniffles.

"Charmy," Shadow growled. "What is it?"

"It's about Maria," Charmy replied. Shadow wiped his tears and blew out his boogers. "I know where she is." Shadow raised both of his eyebrows as he became excited.

"Really?" Shadow asked excitedly. Charmy nodded but he told him that it wasn't accurate.

"I don't care," Shadow interrupted. "As long as we find Maria. If you help me, you're gonna be my best friend."

"Alright," Charmy replied. "Do your thing!" Then Shadow used Chaos Control to open a portal and he and Charmy went through the portal to open a new world. 

Ash x Maria: THE OTPWhere stories live. Discover now