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After sitting in my airplane's seat for couple of hours, and waiting for getting myself off the airport, i finally managed to get amazed by myself and that was because i am already stepping on the land of United States of America. From Los Angeles' area, i went for a cab and another city bus to travel the whole long way to Brooklyn, New York City.

With the address i had, and my bag full of things i need for myself, i am wishing great for my plans at this time. New York is really far and so tiring from the Philippines, and i went here for a reason, not just i wanted to come here.

I went here because i know, i need to do something for my father's death.

I went out of the last cab when we finally reached the area of Brooklyn. For a 21 year-old young woman like me, this is kinda difficult to travel alone in the very first time in a different side of the world. Going here is a real dready experience but i actually loved it.

"Taxi?" Someone beeped in my front. A yellow cab was checking if i am interested on driving me out home.
I nodded and gave him the address in paper.
"Do you know Detective Miller of NYPD's investigating team?" I asked, feeling good at the backseat.

The driver looked at me as he gave the paper back to me.

"Everyone knows him. Anyway, you're his daughter?" He answered in his usual american accent.

Ahh. This thing will suck the hell out of me.

"No. But he is one of my family's friend." I said as the cab run slowly.

"Oh. You seemed new anyway. Your outfit seemed so different from those young women here at New York." He looked through the mirror nearby him.

"Yeah. I actually came from somewhere called Asia." I admitted.

"Oh. That's why." He smiled and continued driving.

After couple of minutes, he dropped me by, nearby a house with white metal gate lines, a dark red roofings, and dirty white color of walls. The house is simple yet adorable compare to the other houses nearby.

So i went closer and fold my fist for strength. I mean, im a bit nervous this time.

I rang the 'so-called' gate bell from the edge of the gate wall. But instead of hearing a ring, the gate just unlocked from its lock in the other side.


So i opened it and walked gently to the green path pulling me into the entrance door of the house.

I told you, the house is so simple. There is another bell button again.

I pressed it just like what i did last time to the other one, and good thing, a sound of doorbell rang inside the house.

I stepped a bit backward before hearing a footstep at the back of this door.

And it opened.

A man with pretty eyes, sexy lips and right white of skin just stood in front of me. He is wearing a blue shirt and a jeans while he is holding a pen.

But his look from the eyes is kinda killing me.

Its fine. I need to be brave.

"Yes?" He asked.
"Detective Wentworth Miller. Right?" I asked.

"Yes. How can i help you?" He stepped out from the door and went near me.

Goddamn. I can smell his masculine and sexy perform. BUT I NEED TO FOCUS ON MY PURPOSES RIGHT NOW.

"Officer Sacramento's daughter. I am here to get some help from y-"
His face basically went serious than ever and turn his back on me.

"Im sorry. I think you find the wrong person." He said getting on the door, almost pushing the door close in front of me. But i managed to pushed it back and step in.

"No. You are my father's bestfriend right? I know you know that my father didn't do anything wrong in that case." I reasoned out.

He stopped and face me.

"I don't want to ruin my life and my kids' either so i know you understand it too." He said folding his fist.

I remained speechless. I don't even know what to say.

"Are you really that serious?" I asked him seriously.

I saw him nodded.

"Fine. Thanks for opening the door." I smiled, even if he didnt saw it and turn around.

Now, i think i need to get back at Los Angeles.

Wait. I had an amazing idea in my head.
I take a taxi ride from Brooklyn to NYPD's station and decided to go in for something.

"Jonathan Ingrid. Can i visit him?" I asked.

"Who are you in his family, Miss?" The policewoman asked while getting some keys from the upper section of lockers at the back.

"Well. I am one of his daughter." I lied.

Good thing, it is a safe lie.

She let me in and then told me Jonathan didnt received any visitors since his prisonment, up until now. I am thinking why, and maybe there is something wrong why this thing happened when you know that they, him and my father was just a victim of framing up.

I sat on the table, and waited for him. Until he come out with chained wrists, and chained legs.

"Who the hell are you?" The guy started.

"You'll know soon. Anyway, do you believe that you and Officer Sacramento been pushed up into some degree of punishment because of a very ridiculous lie that framed you up?" I said, lowly.

"You know something?" He asked.

I nodded.

"This is a serious thing, kid. You wont survive any cases against the whole team of NYPD." He said.

"Im inlove with serious things. That's why i am here." I smiled.

"What do you want me to do then?" He asked observing my actions in front of him.

"I need to find all the ideas and reasons why it happened. I am going to take you out of here, just help me." I almost whispered.

"You cant do that in your own." He said.

Then, I bring out a badge secretly and show it to him.

"Youngest and Assistant Head. Private Investigator of QCPD, Philippines." I gave him a wink that made him think who maybe i am.

He leaned closer to the table and whispered, "You are Officer Sacramento's only one daughter?"

I nodded.

"I cant imagine this. Someone is trying to get me out of here when is the chance of me in freedom is just so less. But okay, i will help you. You can go in my old abandoned house in Pennsylvania and check my left black drawers in the basement. Take everything inside the drawers especially the red notes there." He said.

"Give me the address then." I snatched a pen from my bag and write his address in a tissue paper secretly.

"#223 La Hermosa Village, Eastern Alley, Pennsylvania."
With that, i keep everything in place to make sure it will be a safe plan.

"Be clever, kid. Since you did this, those policemen nearby is looking at you keenly right now. I am one of the most wanted prison here." He adviced.

"Sure. I need to get going, Mr. Ingrid. Ill be back for more soon. Goodbye." I stand up from the chair.

"Your badge." But i pushed it in him.
"Keep it. Ill be getting it from you soon after this everything." I smirked down at him and walked away.

Now, the real life totally begins.

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