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I let Timothy enjoy his chicken meal and look for his school id or something at his bag. I failed looking for it but I need to find a way to contact his Dad. He might getting so worried about Timothy, i guess.

I looked at him enjoying his food. I smiled.

I continued until i saw a calling card-like thing in his bag's pocket.

There. An address and phone number is detailed there.

I put his bag down and pick my phone up, dialling his phone number.

"Mr. Miller." I saw Timothy looked at me.
I just smiled at him, and "sssh."

"Speaking." He answered.
"If you are worrying about your son, Timothy, i have him. Im going to send him in your home, i got your address." I said.

Then, i heard him saying something. I don't get what was that but i think, it made him feel okay.

"Jesus Christ. Thanks! Ill be waiting for you guys. What is your name then?" He asked.

I smiled. "Its Acid."
"Oh." He reacted.

"Got to go. Bye." Then i put the call down.

"Are we going to get a cab now?" Timothy looked up at me, still eating his chicken.

"Yes." I pat his head and call on for a cab, and let Timothy get in first.

"Here." I give the calling card into the driver, and let him read the address by himself.

We went for an almost 25 minutes riding the cab, and i found Timothy sleeping beside me.

"Poor boy." I gently touch his blonde hair and get him laid in my lap, supporting his back with my arms and hands. I was almost hugging him.

I dont even know why he squeal last time when i offer to send him into his Mom's.

"Thanks." I uttered as i went off the cab with my bag and Timothy's while carrying him like a baby and walk to Wentworth's house.

Upon entering the gate, there's him with two young boys too and it surprised him seeing me carrying his asleep son.

I looked at him as he looked at me too.

"Dad .." The two young boys mumbled looking at their Dad.

"Here." I held Timothy on his arms, and give the bag into the boy beside Wentworth.

Silently, Timothy hugged his Dad unconsciously.

He is so adorable.

Just like how hot his Dad was.

Jeez. What i am even thinking?

"Your son is so cute. Please tell him dont be too afraid at alcohol when he wake up." I smiled and turn around, walking away.

"W-wait." I stopped when i feel his hand holding my wrist in my left. I looked back and see one of the younger boy was carrying Timothy, getting inside the house.

"Sorry about the last time. I mean, im afraid for them." He said.

I smiled. "I do understand, Mr. Miller."

"I am willing to work on with you, if you have plans to seek about your Father's case." He said.

"Really?" My eyes widened up.

He smiled nodding.

"Yes!" I almost screamed in front of him. I heard him just chuckled.

"Come on. Get in. Ill prepare tea or coffee for you. Im sure you are tired." He tapped my shoulder as he lead the way inside his house.


After a couple of minutes waiting for him, he came in with two cup of teas in a plate and offered me one.

"So they are your sons?" I smiled. He nodded.

"I honestly find him in the cab station of Pennsylvania lately with scars in his knees while crying." I said after getting the first sip of my tea.

"His older brother lost him accidentally. They were having their early trip from their Mom's hometown and it happened that they lost him. Thanks, anyway." I saw him smiled.

"Timothy is adorable." I looked at him.

He just chuckled softly.

Then, silence.

"What are your plans now then?" He asked seriously.

I take a sip first before answering. "Im going at Pennsylvania for better evidence.  Yesterday, i went at NYPD's jail area to visit Jonathan Ingrid to propose something. And he agreed." I said.

"You know him?" He asked with his low voice.

"He is with my father when the framing up occurs." I looked at him.

" What did you asked him then?" He asked.

"I asked him to help me. With that, i will take him out of the jail if the truth's gonna sink out of the hole." I answered.

"Then, you are going to Pennsylvania for evidences? Sort of what?" He asked.

"I believe those are the things left unburned. The real criminal who did the frame up thingy already burned everything to clean up his hands from the blood. Ive been watching my father's job here in New York. We all know that some of his colleagues hates him for some reasons. Ever heard about getting a lot of awards and appreciation on his name lately, detective? I believe, it is one of the reasons why." I explained.

He looked at me silently.
"Tell me. Do you know Lieutenant Eros McGrey?" He asked.

"His greatest rival to Dra. Lorielie Median." I answered.

"So you are expecting his death since then? The crime actually went so clean, just like what you said. I dont have any evidences but i have suspects." He said.

"I am." I answered to his first question.

"Finish your cup up now. Ill show you your room and tomorrow will be a great day to visit Pennsylvania." He said.

I take the final sip of my tea and give it to him.

As he turned back, a question rang inside my head.

"Why did you changed your mind anyway? I mean, you said yesterday that you dont want to ruin your life right?" I asked.

He stopped and looked back at me.
"I was thinking about you, last night. I was a bit concerned since i knew you flied from Philippines and went here alone to gain justice for your father. And as a father too, i dont want my sons going to experience that. I think, you badly need someone's help so i want to pull you back, since Jacob and me are real bestfriends too." He explained.

I smiled.

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