The Hatching

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A/N: Thanks to GlorybringerRulesAll for giving me the name idea!

It was a dreary day. Of course it was. Glory, like most dragon mothers, had almost a sixth sense that enabled them to know when their egg would hatch. And Glory knew it would be today. Today, of course, happened to be the most gray-skied, misty, clouded, stay-in-doors-and-sleep-all-day day that she had ever experienced in the rainforest. She was almost positive that if Sunny were here, the little Sandwing would be freaking out, claiming that the bad weather was an omen or something. But Glory didn't think so. Nothing was a bad sign today. And nothing could be wrong with the egg, because inside was Glory and Deathbringer's dragonet. And it would be perfect. No matter what.

Deathbringer was considering panicking. Today, at some point, he would become a father. He was absolutely terrified. But he wasn't sure what scared him more- the Nightwings' reaction to finding out that he slept with Queen Glory and had no regrets, or the actual dragonet itself. Either way, terrifying. But he was also excited. He was going to be a father! He could teach this little dragonet everything. Sure, there were some things Glory was sure to never let him teach their dragonets, but he'd do it anyways. And besides, what was so bad about teaching a little dragonet how to properly and quietly slit a dragon's throat? It occurred to him that this may be the exact train of thought Glory worried about. Oh well.

 Throughout the day, the weather only got worse. It grew foggy and humid. The day would've been much better if it would just hurry up and rain. But it refused. It was as if the sky itself was waiting. Just like Glory and Deathbringer. No sane dragon willingly got out of bed on a day like this so there wasn't anything for Glory to do. And that was fine with her. She and Deathbringer snuck off to the egg to wait the day away. As sunset approached, the egg began to wobble, and a small crack appeared in it. But when nothing else happened, the two impatient parents slumped back down against the tree.

Inside the egg, a small dragonet was awake. He didn't know where he was, or, anything really, but he could sense things. Outside of his small prison were two dragons. He didn't know who they were, but he liked them already. One, he could tell, was warm. The other, anxious. They were waiting for him. The warm dragon appeared to be cold on the outside, but he saw right through it. She wanted nothing more then to hug him close and curl up next to the other dragon. That dragon, the anxious one, was colder, but he could tell that this dragon's heart beat for one reason and one reason only- the warm dragon. The dragon's life was devoted to her, and he was going to be devoted to the little dragonet too. The two waited, nervously, impatiently, and excitedly all at the same time. They wanted to meet him. And the little dragonet wanted to meet them too. He wanted to curl right up in that warm dragon's arms. So, he decided to break out of his prison.

It was just after nightfall when another crack appeared in the egg. Deathbringer stared as it wobbled and realized this was it. He turned his head slightly, to where Glory had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He attempted to shake her awake, but it was no use. Once that dragon was asleep, there was no getting her up. 

"Glory," he whispered, not knowing why he was whispering. "Glory....Glory! It's hatching!" Immediately, Glory snapped awake and glanced at the egg. She grabbed Deathbringer's talon and they watched as more cracks appeared in the egg.

Finally, the egg toppled over, and the top broke off as a small dragonet fell out with a small squeak. 

Glory gasped at the small dragonet and the two parents immediately took in every scale on the little thing. "

It's a boy." Deathbringer said in shock. He laughed. 

A son. he thought as realization hit him. 

I have a son. Me. Of all dragons. I have a son. 

It almost seemed to good to be true. But it was real. The little dragonet climbed awkwardly out of the egg and attempted to stand up. He wavered on his talons and fell backwards - right back into the shell. It toppled upright again, and the little dragonet popped up with a yelp. A small piece of the shell was balancing on his head. Glory chuckled and extended one of her talons towards him. 

"Come here, little one," she said softly. The dragonet squeaked happily and clambered into Glory's claws. 

She held the dragonet close to her, and Deathbringer leaned over her to look at him. He had the build of a Rainwing, but his scales were black like a Nightwings'. He had bright green eyes like Glory's, but he looked incredibly like Deathbringer. They had seen earlier that he had Rainwing scales underneath his wings instead of a star-pattern like most Nightwings. He was perfect, they decided. 

"What should we call him?" Deathbringer asked, letting the small dragonet wrap his claws around one of Deathbringer's talons. As Glory thought, an odd coincidence occurred. The little dragon let out another squeak and pointed up at the sky- just as rain began to fall. That gave Glory an idea. 

"What about Rainkeeper?" she suggested. Deathbringer smiled. He couldn't remember a time when he'd been this happy before. Here he was, married to the most beautiful, and fascinating dragon in the world, with his son gripping one of his talons. Finally he spoke. 


The family stayed there for the rest of the night. Little Rainkeeper, as he had been named, curled up in Glory's arms and fell asleep. Glory was quick to follow, leaning into Deathbringer as he wrapped one wing around her. For a while, Deathbringer stayed awake, Rainkeeper's claw still clinging to his talon as he slept. But eventually, he, too, fell asleep listening to the rain his son had been named after.

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