The Heir's Challenge

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The challenge was to be held in a reasonable-sized arena-like area. There were platforms all around for spectators to watch, and a floor below made of vines for the event. Grandeur said they used to use this stadium for Queen's challenges, but it had fallen into disarray over the years, until recently. Up where dragons watched, there was a slightly raised dais, for the royal family. Joy was down below there, preparing herself for the fight. Nightflyer, Air, Kelp, Seashell, Moon, Qibli, and Winter were spread out in the viewing area, alone with at least half the rainforest tribes. Everyone was watching nervously. Today was sure to be a defining moment in the history of the rainforest. Today determined who their next queen would be. The rules were simple. A clean, fist to fist fight between the competitors. No venom allowed, or fire in Joy's case. One tiny bit had been changed though. This wasn't going to be a fight to the death. The loser was whoever lost consciousness first. Pineapple had laughed when she'd been told. That wasn't going to happen. She was going to kill Joy in this arena, with all her family watching. It would be perfect. 

Glory, Deathbringer, and Rainkeeper waited anxiously with Joy. It occurred to them that this may be the last time they saw her alive. The thought only made them hug her tighter. Glory tried to fight off her tears as she hugged her daughter. Joy caught on. 

"Hey, don't worry Mother. I'll be fine." Joy insisted, trying to smile. But it was difficult when you were watching your mother cry. Rainkeeper hugged her next as Deathbringer wrapped a wing around Glory. 

"Be careful," Rainkeeper begged, trying to keep his own emotions in check. 

"I will." she promised. A loud bird call sounded. 

"That's our cue." Deathbringer said weakly. Joy smiled at them.

 "It'll be okay." she promised. 

"Today," Handsome announced to the crowd as Glory stepped on the highest point of the dais, Deathbringer and Rainkeeper on either side of her. 

"Rainy!" a voice hissed as Handsome spoke. Pear appeared next to Rainkeeper and smiled gently at him. He nodded weakly, unable to speak. His talons gripped the wooden railing surround the arena, his eyes staring at Pineapple as she paced on the floor. Pear noted his nervousness and quietly set one of her talons on top of his. There were cheers as Joy stepped out into the arena. Kelp also stood with his talons gripped, staring nervously at Joy. Qibli and Seashell were on either side of him, to 'restrain him if necessary' as Seashell put it. Nightflyer, Air, and Winter were next to them, intent on restraining Air as well. In true arena style, the fight began. 

"Claws up! Teeth ready! Fight!" Handsome announced.

Everyone froze as it began. Joy and Pineapple circled each other in the arena, sizing their opponent. They stopped walking after a bit, staring each other down. Joy dropped into a fighting stance and flicked a talon, as if to silently say, Come at me, if you dare. Pineapple smirked and launched herself at Joy, truly beginning the fight. The crowd roared to life as the battle began. Pineapple came out strong, throwing punches that Joy easily dodged. They slowly moved down the arena, Joy slapping her fists away. Then she grabbed Pineapple's talons, dropped down and kicked out Pineapples feet from under her. She hit the ground hard as cheers sounded from the crowd. Joy backed up a step as Pineapple got back to her feet.

 "Clearly I have underestimated you." she commented. "Looks like this may be a decent fight after all." Joy swung a side kick to Pineapple's ribs, but she caught her foot and Pineapple twisted her leg around, throwing Joy to the ground. Pineapple was there before Joy could pick herself up, securing the hybrid in a headlock. Glory quickly shut her eyes, fearing. Joy was on her knees, Pineapple on her feet. Joy grabbed at the arm choking her and flipped Pineapple over, throwing her out of the headlock. 

More punches and kicks resumed, each of them getting in hits. Rainkeeper's grip tightened around Pear's talon every time Joy was hit. One good punch sent her spinning, Joy's vision doubling and blurring as she stumbled. Don't pass out, don't pass out, she yelled at herself. She spun around to see Pineapple coming at her and she managed to dodge and get a clear hit at Pineapple's ribs. The fight dragged on, a punch here, a kick there, a failed arm-bar, an attempted headlock. Joy's energy was slowly draining and she was slowing down. Pineapple was playing with her. 

"Oh no." Qibli whispered, realizing Pineapple's method. 

"What?" Kelp asked worriedly. 

"She's messing with Joy, teasing her with punches and dodges so that Joy loses energy and then when Joy is to tired to go on, Pineapple will strike out and win." he explained. They all froze, praying this wouldn't end like that. 

"Maybe if she actually used one of my strategies, she might have a bit more luck." Winter commented. 

"Winter, please shut up." Air snapped. Down in the arena, Pineapple and Joy circled each other again. Joy was panting, keeping her fists up and ready. She glanced around at the spectators, her eyes lingering on her family's worried faces, on Kelp's terrified expression, on her friends watching in fear. She stopped momentarily at them, remembering the strategies she'd been taught. She looked back at Pineapple, studying her surroundings. There was one strategy from could work. If she did it right, this could end the fight right here. She could win. 

With newly found energy, Joy lashed out, punching at Pineapple. She hit back and Joy didn't even try to maintain her ground. She let Pineapple slowly walk her into a corner, blocking punches. Pineapple grinned. She had her now. Joy would be defenseless while trapped in a corner. 

"Oh no. No no no no no." Deathbringer pleaded, watching the fight. "No Joy, don't let her get you in a corner. Nonono. I can't watch this." he exclaimed, closing his eyes. "Tell me when it's over." Joy's heels were touching the back wall of the arena now. Kelp was leaning over the railing as Seashell and Qibli attempted to hold him back. Joy glanced around. She was backed up against the middle of the back wall, still dodging punches. The vine walls of the arena were slanted. They were steep, but it seemed possible to do what she needed. 

Joy ducked under Pineapple's arm and ran for the side wall. When she was close enough, she spread her wings, turned around while walking on the side of the wall, kicked off the corner, and slammed her fist into Pineapple's face. 

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