In The Night

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A/N: Please keep in mind during this part that this is a fanfiction, meaning that the truth doesn't matter.

Firefly browsed through the scrolls in the library until one peaked her interest. Animus Magic And What We Know About It. That sounded intriguing. She pulled the scroll from the rack and sat down to read. She read through the scroll before freezing at one part. 

"Many animuses have said that they have always felt a sort of tingling in their talons, as if they could feel the magic in them and it was waiting to burst out. This sensation is now one of the more common ways to determine if a dragon is an animus or not, but the easiest way to determine is with the animus test." Firefly frowned. That sensation sounded...familiar. She glanced around the library, her eyes landing on one of the scroll racks. 

Why not try it for fun? It's not like anything's going to happen. she thought. She focused her attention of one of the scrolls. Drop to the ground. she ordered in her mind. The scroll fell to the floor.

On the other side of the library, Moon was also browsing the scrolls. A thud sounded and she turned to see Firefly jump to her feet and bolt out of the room like she'd been electrocuted, her face contorted in terror. Moon raised an eyebrow and noted the abandoned scrolls lying on the ground. With a sigh, she went over and picked them up. Animus Magic And What Know About It? Could be interesting. The Potential Dangers Of Animus Magic And How To Avoid Them, the other scroll read. Moon frowned. Why was Firefly so interested in animus magic? 

That Night....

Firefly slipped out of her sleeping cave, making sure to keep quiet. She wasn't supposed to be out and about, but she had to be sure of something. She had hidden for the rest of the day, her thoughts swimming as she stared at her talons, willing it all to be just a strange coincidence. She had missed meeting with Coal for their lesson too, which only made her feel more guilty. But if it wasn't a coincidence...what if it wasn't? What if she was an animus? She had to be sure, and, lucky for her, there was a dragon in Jade Mountain that was bound to help her find out. 

Sure enough, Stonemover was awake. She stood nervously at the cave entrance as he looked at her. 

"Hello," he greeted her in a rumbling voice. 

"Hi," Firefly said shyly. 

"I haven't had many visitors from the school, and none of them have come this late." he remarked. "Who are you?" 

"I- I'm Firefly." she squeaked out. 

"Firefly. And what brings you here?" he asked. She took a deep breath and walked into the cave. 

"I....I think I might be an animus." she admitted. Stonemover sighed. 

"Plenty of dragonets want to be animuses, but none of them ever realized how horrible it really is to be one. I suggest you stop wishing for a curse like that." he offered. Firefly shook her head. 

"No. You don't understand. I don't want to be an animus. I know how awful it is, I've read about what can happen." she explained. She relayed to him what had happened earlier in the day, and he listened intently as she talked about how much she didn't want it to be true.

 "Well, there's only one way to find out," Stonemover replied. He nodded at a bone laying on the ground. "Make that do something. Fly up and hit the ceiling, explode into a cloud of dust, anything." he instructed. Firefly stared at the bone for a moment. 

"Turn into a mouse." she commanded. There was a small squeak as the bone transformed before their eyes. Stonemover stared at the little mouse before glancing back at Firefly. 

"I think that answers your question."


Joy awoke with a start, her heart pounding from a horrible nightmare. Sweat covered her face as she panted slightly, shaking with lingering fear. She glanced around the room, noting that Moon and Air were sound asleep. Joy didn't know why, but she suddenly felt very alone, very... vulnerable. She didn't like this feeling. She wanted someone near her. 

But who could she go to? It's not like she could wake up Air because she felt alone in a room with two other dragons. 

There was one idea in her mind, a horrible idea. 

And yet, it was growing on her and her lasting fear from the nightmare beckoned her to go through with it.

 Taking a deep breath, and still shaking slightly, Joy quietly left the cave. She walked down the hall until she reached the cave she was looking for. She hesitated in the doorway, unsure of what to do next. There were two dragon in the room, both of them sleeping. She stared at the dragon closer to her, watching as he slowly woke up. 

Kelp felt as if he was being watched. He opened his eyes and saw Joy standing in the doorway. She looked shaken, almost... scared. 

"Bad dream?" he asked. She nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head quickly, tears brewing in her eyes. "Come here," Kelp insisted, beckoning her over. She laid down next to him with a grateful sigh. 

"Can I just stay here?" she whispered, her voice shaky. 

"Of course." Kelp agreed, wrapping his arm around her. She relaxed and curled up next to him, her eyes growing heavy. Kelp stayed awake until he was sure she was asleep, then he smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

A little while later...

Nightflyer sighed. He officially could not sleep. He wished that he could go flying, but he knew how much trouble that would get him in. What if he just went for a walk? That might help. He sighed again and got to his feet, walking towards the door. He walked past Kelp's bed, reached the doorway, and froze. After a pause he walked backwards to look at Kelp's bed again. 


What the heck was Joy doing in Kelp's bed? 

And how long had she been there? 

Oh, I am sooo going to use this against them. Nightflyer promised, walking out of the room with a grin on his face. 

He walked absentmindedly around until he ended up away from the school. That's when he heard voices talking. There shouldn't be anyone over here, he realized, walking towards the sound. He saw a light up ahead and stood next to the doorway to eavesdrop. There were two voices, one was older and deeper, and the other.....That didn't make any sense. The other voice sounded like Firefly. But Firefly would never be out this late. She was a goody-two shoes, always following the rules. He took a chance and peered into the room. Sure enough, it was her. But what was she doing? 

"I should probably turn him back," Firefly suggested, nodding at a mouse on the ground. 

"Yes, that's probably for the best." Stonemover agreed. "But then you should never use this again, understand?"

 "Yes." Firefly said with a nod. She turned to the mouse. "Turn back into a bone." she ordered. And the mouse changed. Nightflyer bit back a gasp and then a scream. He darted back into the hallway and tried to calm down. But then Firefly left the room and he grabbed her arm.

She froze with fear in her eyes. 

"Nightflyer, I-"

"You're an animus?!"

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