It Isn't Over Yet.

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Sunny was slightly concerned at the terrified look on Glory's face as she stepped into the Rainwing's dreams. 

"Sunny! Oh thank the moons." Glory exclaimed, pure panic written on her face. 

"What's happened?" Sunny asked nervously.

 "It's Pineapple." Glory began. "After the Heir's Challenge we had her locked up, but she escaped somehow. And that's not all." Glory paused, green running through her scales. "She killed one of the guards, and she wrote 'The Dragonets Are Next' on the wall in blood." Sunny froze, her eyes wide. 

"Oh no."


Firefly was walking back to the school. She had just been through another visit with Stonemover. They were discussing her power, and how Firefly planned to use it. She had an idea, but Stoneover had shot it down. She had wanted to heal him, to take away his animus magic so that he'd be back to normal, rather than stone. But he had refused, insisting that he didn't want any spells put on him. Firefly often wondered if there was a secret spell on the necklace that Thorn always wore from him. But she guessed that she'd never know for sure. She turned down an empty hallway, and something scrapped against the stone walls. Firefly frowned and turned. There was no one there. She turned again and kept walking, until someone tackled her to the ground. 

Firefly screamed as a fiery-eyed Rainwing came into view and lashed out at her. She tried to defend herself, but she didn't have much training or any experience with fighting before. The Rainwing clawed at her and all Firefly could do was scream, until talons wrapped around her throat.

 "Shut. Up." Pineapple ordered, releasing the dragonet. 

"HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Firefly shrieked. Pineapple slammed her fist at the Nightwing's head, and everything went dark. 

"Firefly!" a faint voice was yelling. "Firefly?!" the voice sounded urgent, panicked even. "FIREFLY!!" Firefly slowly came too, her head pounded and everything hurt. She groaned and the voice sighed with relief. She tried to focus her vision on the blurry figure next to her. 

"Coal?" she asked weakly. The figure nodded. Coal was still slightly panicked. He'd heard someone scream and had come running, only to find Firefly being attacked, but the dragon disappeared before he could get to her.

 "Can you stand?" he asked. He wasn't sure. She looked awful. 

"I'm not sure." Firefly murmured, her voice hoarse from screaming. Gently, Coal helped her up. She stood shakily for a moment before her legs gave out. Coal quickly caught her before she fell. 

"Alright, I've got this." he promised. Firefly's eyes widened as he picked her up, bridal -style. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, staring at him in awe. "What?" he questioned with a smirk. "Didn't think I could carry you?" 

"Well, for a scrawny dragon, you are very strong." she commented. He grinned, walking her to the infirmary. 


Tsunami, Fatespeaker, and Starflight were calmly grading papers when Clay and Sunny burst into the room. 

"We've got a problem!" they said in unison. Tsunami threw her pen at them. 

"No!" she rejected it, going back to the papers. 

"Tsunami, this is serious!" Sunny declared. "I just finished talking with Glory and apparently, Pineapple escaped and is coming here!"

 "She is?" Clay said in surprise. He frowned. "That makes a lot more sense than a rock dragon exploding from the wall." 

"What?" Starflight asked. 

"Oh, yea, the problem I came to tell you guys about..." Clay remembered. "One of the students got attacked by someone, but the attacker disappeared before we could figure out who it was." 

"WHAT!" Tsunami yelled. 

"Pineapple." Sunny realized. "Which student was attacked?" 

"Are they okay?" Tsunami asked. 

"She'll be fine after a few days." Clay promised. Then his face changed and he eyed Starflight nervously. "It was Firefly. She's in the infirmary now."

 "What?" Fatespeaker breathed, looking at Starflight. They quickly rushed out of the room. Tsunami sighed. 

"Just when we thought we would have a danger-free year." she commented. 

A familiar group of friends all glanced up as Coal walked over to them. He seemed distracted as he approached. 

"Hey Coal," Air greeted him, recognized the Sandwing as one of Squelch's friends. Qibli nodded at him in greeting. After what happened over the summer, he'd been keeping a closer eye on the former spy. Coal turned his attention to Nightflyer. 

"I have a message for you." he insisted. Nightflyer frowned. 

"Do tell." he replied. Coal made a face and eyed the others. 

"You're not going to like it." he promised, whispering into the Nightwing's ear. Nightflyer jumped to his feet and bolted from the room. 

"What did you tell him?" Air questioned. 

"It's supposed to be kept quiet, so I can't say." Coal explained, walking away. The others exchanged a glance. What was going on?

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