The Last Goodbye

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"Dune!" Sunny cried, the only one truly excited to see their old guardian again. The others froze momentarily, as if they didn't believe that it had actually worked. 

"Hi Sunny," Dune replied, a rueful smile on his face. They were stunned. This was Dune as they had never see him before. He had all of his limbs, and no scars anymore. "I have to admit, I'm surprised that none of you are up here, or Webs, for that matter. You've done well." he insisted. 

"Wait, you know everything that's happened?" Tsunami questioned.

 "Sort of," Dune explained. "I know everything that happened until after the night you five ended the war. I have no idea what happened after that." 

"Well, uh, a LOT happened." Clay said awkwardly.

 "They all got married and had families and stuff." Sunny explained. "I'm pretty much the same, just a princess/teacher now. We opened a school!" Dune looked confused. 

"Wait.....someone actually married the four of you?" he asked in shock. 

"If I could hit you right now, you'd be bleeding." Glory growled. 

"Yes. Clay married Kestrel's daughter, Tsunami married Webs's son, Glory married an assassin that was sent to kill her, and I married my own replacement in the prophecy." Starflight offered. Dune stared blankly at them. 

"Kestrel had a dragonet?" he questioned. "I'll have to ask her about that." Dune's form slowly got lighter as they spoke with him, until they could barely see him anymore. "I have to go back now," he realized. His eyes suddenly grew wide. "Wait! Sunny, your mother- Six-Claws! I have to-" 

"Don't worry, "Sunny insisted. "I'll make sure you speak with them." And he disappeared from sight. Starflight cautiously picked up the emerald and it hummed slightly, as if begging them to say another name.

Once word got out about this object, dragons came from all over to use it. Dragons came to say goodbye to old family members, to let passed dragons see their children once more, to settle accounts and fights, to forgive and be forgiven. It was insane. 

The Dragonets of Destiny used it again, of course. 

Tsunami properly spoke with her father, 

Starflight met his mother,

 Clay brought in his siblings so that they could say a proper goodbye to Crane. 

Riptide and Webs went in together to speak with Riptide's mother, 

Peril even got to go to see Kestrel again. 

Joy and her friends went in to say hi to Carnelian, 

Moon finally got to meet her father, something she immediately regretted, 

and Sunny stayed true to her word, bringing in her mother and Six-Claws to say goodbye to Dune.

But finally, a night came when no dragons were waiting to see their loved ones again. Glory put the emerald away, to keep it safe, like Firefly had wanted. But it would be used one more time before it was put to rest. Joy snuck in and grabbed the stone, and she and Rainkeeper went to a cave to use it. 

"Are you sure we should do this without him?" Joy asked again. She wasn't sure. Rainkeeper nodded.

 "I overheard him with Mother. He's too afraid about what he'll hear to use it." he explained. Joy shrugged.

 "Okay." she agreed. "Hopefully this will work with just us." They both fell silent, playing thoughts over in their mind before speaking the dragon's name.

"Who in the three moons are you and what do you want?" Quickstrike demanded. 

They stared for a moment, immediately seeing their father's features, and some of their own, in this dragon's face. Quickstrike's face softened slightly at Rainkeeper, undoubtedly spotting his similarity to Deathbringer.

 "Um, Hi," Rainkeeper began. "This is going to sound crazy, but, uh, I'm Rainkeeper and this is my sister Joy. We're your grandchildren." 

Quickstrike's face held so much emotion it was hard to look at. 

"Deathbringer," she whispered, looking near tears. They nodded.

 "In case you didn't figure that out yet, he married a Rainwing. Her name is Glory. She's the Rainwing and Nightwing queen." Joy supplied. Quickstrike nodded. 

"But why are you here? Why didn't he come himself?" she questioned. Rainkeeper and Joy glanced at each other. 

"He's afraid of what you might say." Rainkeeper explained. 

"We think it has something to do with how you died." Joy continued. 

"He has nothing to be afraid of." Quickstrike insisted. "I'm not surprised that he didn't come, but I figured it was because he was upset with me, not that he blamed himself. Tell you what," she continued, smiling faintly at them. "You go home, and you tell that son of mine that Quickstrike is ordering him to get down here and talk to me. And if he refuses, tell him I'll come down here myself and haunt him for life. Got it?" They nodded. "Then go. I'll wait." They exchanged another glance before running from the cave, wondering how they were going to explain this to their father.

"We are in so much trouble," Rainkeeper commented as they ran.

 "You think?!" Joy yelled.

A/N: Hi readers! Quick Question. Should I end this book in the next part, OR do you want me to skip ahead a few years and write some stuff about Rainkeeper and Pear? You decide!

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