Note To Self: Make Sure Faithbringer And Air are NEVER In The Same R-.....Oops.

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Firefly stared at the scroll in front of her, so entranced by the story that she didn't even hear or see Coal. He slumped down next to her and looked over her shoulder, reading the title of the scroll. 

"Whatcha readin?" he asked. Firefly jumped a mile and he laughed. 

"Three moons Coal! Announce yourself with a cough or something!" she exclaimed, her heart pounding.

 "Sorry," he replied. He coughed purposefully. "Better?" She shoved him playfully. "But what are you reading?" he persisted.

 "It's called Kana and the scales." she explained. "It's amazing."

 "What's it about?"

 "Well, you could read it," 

"True," he admitted. "But then I wouldn't get to see your eyes light up as you read or be able to laugh at your ridiculous voices." He grinned at her. She smiled slyly. 

"Well, I can't argue with that." she agreed. With that, she began to read him the scroll. 


Air was walking down the hallway, minding her own business, when someone called out to her. 

"Hey!" an angry voice yelled. She turned to see a shockingly beautiful Nightwing coming right at her. And she looked pissed. "You're that hybrid that's always hanging out with Nightflyer, aren't you?" she demanded. 

"Um, yes?" Air said in confusion. Who was this dragon? Suddenly the Nightwing slammed her into the wall. 

"Well, listen here, freak. Nightflyer is mine, so. Back. Off." she ordered. Air wasn't sure why, but rage boiled up in her and she shoved the Nightwing away.

 "No, you listen. I don't know who you think you are, but Nightflyer is not some object you can lay a claim on. And if he was, he'd belong to me. So you're the one who needs to 'back off'. And if you think you can just waltz in here and do whatever you want with him, then we're gonna have a problem. Got it?" she declared. The girl snorted. 

"Please. Like you stand a chance. Why would he ever like you when he could have someone as perfect as me?" she retorted. Air growled lightly. She didn't even know this dragon's name, but she already hated her. Deeply. 

"Oh, and, in case you were wondering," she smirked. "He agrees that I'm a way better kisser than you." 

Air lunged at the girl, but strong arms let her back.

 "Woah! Easy there, tiger! Easy," Joy remarked, holding the two girls apart. She glanced between them for a moment before realization spread over her face. "Ah," Joy commented. "I see what this is about." A smug grin covered her face before it faded in a murderous look. "Air, let's take a walk, shall we?" she suggested, guiding the hybrid away. She shot a glare at the Nightwing as they left.

As they walked back to their sleeping cave, Air found herself calming down. 

"Thank you," she said. 

"No problem," Joy promised. "Just remember, There is no true love without jealousy." 

"Wow," Air said in surprise. "That is the most eloquent thing I have ever heard you say." Joy shrugged. 

"I have my moments." she explained. "And plenty of advice when it comes to the third wheel in a relationship." 

"Do tell," Air pleaded. 

"Well, let's see," Joy began. "That Nightwing. She's a bitch, right?" Air nodded. "So, remember. Queens will forever stay badder than bitches." Air stared at her for a moment.

 "Is this the kind of stuff that goes through your head when Macaw flirts with you?" she asked. Joy shuddered. 

"Not really. It's mostly a lot of internal screaming. Because at first I cared, but then I was like, Nah, fuck you." 

"Well, I know one thing for sure." Air admitted. 


"Nightflyer has some explaining to do."


"Kelp." a voice said sharply. 

"Macaw." Kelp replied. They stared at each other for a moment, as if they were attempting to melt each other with just their eyes. Nightflyer watched on in interest. 

"You know," Macaw began, in a more cheerful voice. "I am finally breaking Joy. Soon enough she'll fall head over heels for me and we'll leave you in the dirt." Kelp snorted. 

"Please. You can't break her, Macaw," he promised. "You don't own that kind of power." 

"Oh really? Tell me something Kelp. Why are you so obsessed with her? I have a better chance than you do. Why are you even trying?" Macaw teased. Kelp glared at him, but still considered the question. He stared off for a minute. "I'm waiting," Macaw announced. 

"Well- because-"  Kelp sputtered. He sighed. "Telling someone why you're in love with somebody is like explaining what water tastes like. You can't."


Kelp and Nightflyer walked back to their sleeping cave. 

"Hey Kelp?" Nightflyer asked, thinking back to an earlier conversation. "When you told Macaw that telling someone why you're in love with them is like explaining water's taste, did you mean it?" 

"Of course." Kelp admitted.

 "So, there's no way you can describe Joy?" 

"I can describe her!" he retorted. "It's just- sometimes you can't explain what you see in a dragon; it's just the way they can take you to a place no one else can." Nightflyer nodded, a smile creeping onto his face. He understood that alright. It was like there was a whole other galaxy in Air's eyes alone. 

"Describe her then." Nightflyer commanded. "Joy. I wanna hear what you say." Kelp paused for a moment, then grinned. 

"She's beauty. She's grace. She'll punch you in the face." he offered. They burst out laughing. 

"No! I'm serious!" Nightflyer tried again. 

"Ummm." he began. "She's.....she's like a home and an adventure at the same time. She's so complicated. That's the way Joy is, sunshine mixed with a little bit of hurricane." he explained. 

"Better." Nightflyer offered. "A bit more of that deep soul-fullness, and then you can say that to her face." Kelp looked terrified at the notion, causing them to laugh again. 

"Nightflyer." a voice called from up the hall. They glanced up to see Air and Joy walking towards them. 

"Hey Air." he greeted her, smiling. She glared at him. 

"Don't you 'Hey Air' me." she snapped, radiating anger. Joy slid up next to the boys.

 "She ran into some female Nightwing that made some very... intriguing claims." Joy offered to him before grabbing Kelp's talon and pulling him away from the fight that was bound to go down. Nightflyer paled. There was only one dragon that could've caused this. 

"You've got some explaining to do." Air ordered, her arms crossed. Nightflyer looked at her sheepishly, silently cursing that Nightwing's name to the winds. 


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