They Finally Meet

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A/N: This is gonna be a little inaccurate with books 6-9, but hey, it's a fanfiction; that means pretty much anything goes. BTW, YES, SOME PARTS ARE DIRECT QUOTES FROM THE BOOKS. DEAL WITH IT. 

Joy watched, slightly amused, as an angry Skywing dragonet and a furious Seawing dragonet screamed at each other. She wasn't sure why they were fighting, but it seemed interesting enough. Interesting enough to stall for. Rainkeeper and Joy had onlybeen at Jade Mountain for a few hours, and already Joy missed the rainforest. They'd said goodbye to their parents, which was a lot harder to do then Joy expected. It hadn't really occurred to her that she wasn't going to be with them for a while. So, she found herself slightly clinging to Rainkeeper. His sleeping cave was on the other side of the school, but he'd agreed to come with her as she found hers. He wasn't going to admit it, but he didn't feel comfortable leaving his little sister alone.

Moonwatcher winced as the loud thoughts of other students yelled in her head. And all the thoughts were about one dragon. She peeked out into the hallway to see Clay holding apart two angry dragonets. A small Skywing dragonet was right by Clay, glancing around nervously. 

Clay! the voices in Moon's head called. It's him, it's really him! Oooo he's even cuter in real life. I think he looked at me! 

Great, one voice rang out, this one less excited than the others. They love him already. Moon frowned at that voice. Who had said that? 

"It's only the first day folks," Clay announced. "Nothing to be so grumpy about already. You're probably both just hungry." He turned to the Skywing next to him. "Air, I'll talk to you later," he promised, before turning back to the fighting dragonets. "Carnelian, take a deep breath and see me later. Pike, walk with me." With that, Clay and one of the dragonets walked down the hall. To Moon's alarm, the other dragonet - Carnelian- stormed into Moon's cave and slumped onto a rock ledge. Moon glanced back at the hallway to see the other Skywing dragonet looking equally alarmed. 

"I guess that's one of my clawmates," Joy noted. Rainkeeper nodded. 

"Have fun with her." he replied. He glanced at his sister. "I should probably go find my cave." he suggested. Joy hesitated. 

"Alright." she agreed. "I'll see you later?" Rainkeeper nodded. 

"I'll most likely be in the Art cave for the rest of the year if you should ever need me." he insisted. Joy smiled. 

"Well, I'll be sure to drag you out every now and then." she promised. "Bye." 

"Bye." he replied, walking down the hall. Okay, Joy thought. Time to go meet the grouch-meister and whoever else I'm sharing a cave with.

Moon stood awkwardly in the cave, debating whether or not to talk to the still fuming Skywing. Just as she decided against it, the other Skywing that had been in the hallway walked in. 

Oh good, this dragon thought as she spotted Moon. I'm sharing a cave with someone besides the angry Skywing. I hope this one's friendlier. She seems shy, yet nice. Maybe we'll get along. Well, we probably won't if we just keep staring at each other. What do I do? Duh, try talking to her. Genius, Air, genius. But what do I say? Small talk? Maybe ask her name? Maybe I should just say hi, yea. Do that. Hi is a start, right? 

It suddenly occurred to Moon that she probably should've said something during this awkward pause. But she hadn't, so....too late. As she continued to stare, Moon noticed some odd things. This dragonet had brown eyes. Skywings only had orange or yellow eyes. And this dragonet had brown scales on the corners of her wings. Skywings didn't have that. How come she looked different? 

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