Terushima Yuuji x Reader; Soulmate AU

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Soulmate AU:



March 25th; Graduation.

"Congratulations, batch 20**-20**! You officially graduated high school!" Your principal chanted smiling widely. Probably because he won't have to deal with us anymore. "Ne! (Y/N)! What college are you going to?" Your best friend chided as he circled his arm around your neck and leaned on you. "I think I'm going to a college in Tokyo," he started off. "And I'll be taking Architecture! And build us a house!" He proudly stated and flung his arms around, explaining how the house would look. "You know, you can't stick to me forever." You bluntly stated as your best friend looked at you with confusion written in his eyes. "Eh? Of course I can! You're my best friend!" He said and hugged you. "Not really.." "Eh? You're not my best friend?" You widened your eyes "No! Not like that, I meant you can't really stick to me forever, because one day, you'll go to college, that will be different from mine because of your background." You explained. "You're probably going to get a scholarship in some powerhouse college that will have a team that will compete internationally-" "No!" You were grabbed by the shoulders and shook you violently. "I. AM. NOT. LEAVING. YOU. BEHIND!" He deadpanned you. "You're a precious, precious person to me! I can't leave you!" Your childhood best friend said. "I promise you!" He said and looked into your eyes. "I am not going to leave you, and neither will you!" He said pouting. You sighed deeply and looked at your hopeless best friend. "You're so hopeless, Yuu-kun." You smiled. "Only without you!" he happily said. "Also, (Y/N)-chan.." "Mhm?" "Buy me a Weiner Pan?"

If only you knew, Yuu-kun.

April 3rd; Second Week of College.

"Oi! (Y/N)!" Your best friend shouted at you. "Nani? Yuu-kun?" you asked as you turned around to meet him. He was panting heavily, as if he ran a marathon. "What on Earth did you do?" you asked, taking out your handkerchief and wiping his forehead. "Ah! (Y/N)! I love it when you get concerned!" He smiled at you, holding your hand. "Marry me!" he jokingly said. "E-eh?" you were dumbfounded, did he really ask him to marry you? "Marry me!" He said again. "What?" You simply said. His expression changed to a fake pout. "Ah! (Y/N)-chan is avoiding me marrying her!" he whined. "Yuu-kun, we're in the middle of the hallway!" You whisper-yelled to him. You ended up going to the same University as him, and you lived in the same dorm block as him, just not the same department. "Eh? That's the point, (Y/N)-chan!" He laughed. This guy... "Yuu-kun, don't you have class?" his eyes widened "Gah! It's Professor Terror's period! Crap! Thanks (Y/N)!" he said as he ran to his next period. I.. did it again... "Hey! Make me a Weiner Pan later, okay?" "Eh? Why won't you buy one?" "Their Weiner Pans suck! Yours is better!" he said and ran away.


April 4th; 7:13 am.

"(Y/N)-chaan! This is Yuki-chan! Yuki-chan, this is (Y/N)-chan!" Yuuji introduced you to a girl in his class today. She's really pretty. She had the same blonde hair Yuu-kun has, and big, blue eyes. She was tall, too. You seemed like their child next to them both. She has a really fit body too. She seems perfect for Yuu-kun. "Ah! (Y/N)-chan! Give me a Weiner Pan!"

Same Day; 3:40 pm.

"(Y/N)-chaan! Did you know Yuki-chan is also a volleyball player? Sugoi~! We're the same!" You watched as your best friend gawked over his new found friend, who you discovered saved him from a scolding his 'Professor Terror' was about to give him. "Ah! Also! Yuki-chan invited me to a party she's going to. It's a Frat Party, come with me!" he told you. You were never really a fan of parties, they always made you sick. It always smelled, too. It was a putrid smell, the smell of sweat, alcohol and sex mixed in the air. You only been to one of those parties, and it was Yuu-kun's birthday. You only came because it was his request, you obliged, thinking that your tradition of watching movies and eating junk food on his couch was beginning to be a bit too repetitive. But it's called a tradition for a reason, your inner voice said. You can't really ruin his fun, it was his birthday, after all. "I think I'm going to pass. I need to finish my 10 page essay. Maybe next time," you smiled at him. He made a face at you, "But you never go to any parties!" he exclaimed. "You have to at least go to one! It's college, after all!" he reasoned with you. You stood up from the grass and grabbed your backpack. "I'm sorry, Yuu-kun. I just, really can't." You smiled at him. "Enjoy at the party, though! Don't drink too much! You have a presentation tomorrow!" You said as you walked away from him. "(Y/N)-chan! Bring me a Weiner Pan tomorrow, okay?"

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