Guten Nacht, Loki.

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I was staring at Tony Stark.

I was sitting in the lab with Bruce, eating raspberries, when Tony walked in like he owned the place. Hell, he probably did.

“Did you find anything, yet?”

“Not anything new. You know he’s in Germany.” Bruce said to Tony.

“Not exactly hiding, is he?” Tony asked sarcastically.

“Who’s in Germany?” I asked, making Tony jump and turn around. He gave me a weird look. He sauntered over to me, plucked the raspberries out of my hand and began eating them.

“And who might you be?”

“Agent Natalie Nottmeier. Who’s in Germany?” I asked again. He threw a raspberry at me.

“Loki.” Bruce answered. I picked up the fallen berry and threw it back at Tony. He smirked at me.

“How old are you?”

“She’s 18, Tony, leave her alone.” Bruce said. I smirked back at him. He rolled his eyes and turned away from me. I got up from my chair and reached around him and pulled my box of raspberries out of his hand.

“Hey!” He said, spinning around to face me. I laughed and speed walked out of the room.

I ended up walking back to the huge windows in the command room. I was just standing there looking out the windows and eating my raspberries in peace.

What was Loki doing in Germany?


“Hey, where did Steve go?” I asked Bruce as I passed him in the hall.

“He and Tony went to go stop Loki.” Bruce said, as he stopped walking. He started walking in the same direction that I was, which was going to my room.

“Oh. When will they be back?” I asked. Bruce shrugged. “Will they bring Loki back?”

What if they bring Loki back? I didn’t think of that. He’ll definitely let it slip that I love him. Then my cover is blown.

“Probably.” Bruce said. SHIT! “I hope so.”

I nodded as I walked into my room. I went to my dresser and I pulled out my brother’s sweatshirt. I smelled it, and it smelled just like Nate. I put on the sweatshirt. Bruce laughed.

“Did you just smell your sweatshirt?” He asked, walking to sit on my bed.

“Yeah. It’s my brother’s.” I said, slightly offended.

“Oh. Do you miss him?”

“I miss him a lot.”

“What’s his name?”

“His name was Nate. He was my twin brother.” I said softly, knowing what question Bruce would ask next.

“Was?” He asked. I nodded, looking down.

“He died.” I murmured. Bruce was silent for a minute. He got up and hugged me.

“I’m sorry, Nat. I didn’t know.” I nodded, but didn’t answer. Bruce broke the hug, and held me at arm’s length. “I seem to do that a lot, don’t I?”

“Do what?” I said, not making eye contact.

“Say things that bring up bad memories.” Bruce said with a sad smile. I shook my head and walked away from Bruce.

“It’s okay. I have a lot of bad memories.” I said as I walked out of my room.


If Nate was here right now, he’d have the perfect thing to say to make me feel better. But he’s not. Because he died for me. I am the reason he’s dead. Even though my father is dead, I still feel like I can’t do anything right. I don’t know why, since nothing has really happened since I killed him. I just can’t shake the feeling. Like I said, Nate would know what to say to make me feel better. Why did he have to take that bullet? I should be the one dead, not him.

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