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I know now, all the things I have done. I know how much I hurt you, I know how badly I ruined your image of family, and I know how I tore your family apart. I know you hate me, and let me just tell you that I hate myself too. I know you will never forgive me.

 You are aware of the things that I know. Now, I need you to know these few things, Joey.

I need you to know that I love you. You are my family, Joseph, no matter what. Whether you wish I was dead or not, I will always love you. I’ll always be there for you. You are my only family now, Joey.

I need you to know where I’m going. I’m going to be with our people. I’m sure you know about the events in New York. I was there, and I met Thor. He’s taking me home to Asgard. Thor has offered you a place in Asgard, but I know you won’t want to be where I am. If you change your mind, contact the messenger. His name is Steve Rogers.

Lastly, Joey, I need you to know I’m sorry. I never wanted any of this for you, for Nate, for Mom. I did what needed to be done, and I’m sorry you have to live with the things I’ve done. I wish I could go back in time and change everything. I think about it, about you, all the time. I think about the day I fought with father, and I wish I had let him kill me. If I died, you wouldn’t be alone. You would have your father. I was selfish, that day. I only thought of myself. I thought only about the future I had with Loki by my side. I thought only about how I needed to kill him. I never once let your well-being cross my mind, and I regret it every day that I live.

Go. Run. Be silent, stealthy. Kill everything that does not wear Sentinel colors. I love you with all that I am. Good Luck.

Natalie Rose


I gave Steve the letter I wrote the very next day. He promised to me he would take it to Joey as soon as the meeting was over. And now, I stood next to Steve. He was rubbing circles on my back, since he could tell I was tense. I leaned into his touch, allowing myself to welcome the human contact. His palm was warm against my back, comforting me.

My leg was healing from the glass shard, luckily not hitting an artery, just a vein or two. It required 7 stitches. My nose was popped back into place, leaving me with two slight black eyes and a cut on the bridge of my nose. My lip was scabbed over down the middle, and I had 2 stitches in my left eyebrow.

I looked up at Steve. He smiled down at me, but I couldn’t return the gesture. Instead, I lunged toward him and wrapped my arms around his waist, capturing him in an embrace. I hunched my shoulders, pressed my face into his leather jacket, and squeezed him closer to me. Truthfully, I was going to miss him.

He was shocked at first, but then he placed one arm around my shoulders and put his free hand on the back of my head, holding me to him. He bent down and kissed the top of my head.

Tony drove me to the meeting point in Central Park, and I’ve been on edge ever since. I’m really nervous not only about going to Asgard, but seeing him again. I just want to slap him across the face.

Mischief Always Wins the War (Sequel to The Asgardian Civil War)Where stories live. Discover now