Raspberries and Blood Bags

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The ceiling is never-changing. My bed isn’t as soft as it used to be. Night seems longer and darker. People seem to be oblivious to me.

I have no desire to sit at the big window anymore, now that Bruce is gone.

I don’t want to go and see Steve, as stupid as it seems. Coulson idolized Steve, and now I can’t look at him without tearing up.

I can’t go and talk to Nat because she spends all of her time with this Agent Barton guy, who I’ve never even met.

I don’t want to talk to Tony because he’s an asshole.

I can’t talk to Thor because he’s gone.

And worst of all, Loki’s gone too. Both physically and emotionally. He’s not the same.

I feel completely alone. When did I become so dependent on people?

On the bright side, I tried on the armor Thor brought me, and it fits perfectly.

The metal bed frame squeaked in protest when I sat on it. I stared at my twisted reflection in the metal wall while I pulled on my brother’s hoodie, which I had thrown hastily onto my pillow late last night.

My fingers twisted around the green fabric as I pulled a section up to my nose. His smell was fading, and I could only feel like I was losing something significant.

I forced myself to smile, just so that the tears wouldn’t fall.

“Natalie.” Tony Stark said from my doorway. I jumped at the sudden noise. I pulled the fabric away from my face as I turned and looked at Tony.

“Geez, kid, you look like shit.” Tony said, rushing into my room. Before I could react, Tony had his arms around me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso quickly, accepting the human contact.

“Wow, Tony, I didn’t realize you knew how to hug.” I said. My voice sounded stuffy from the tears threatening to spill.

“Hey, now, watch yourself. I’m not totally heartless.” He said, and I gave him that ‘yeah, sure’ look. “Plus, you look like you needed it. You’ve been acting like a hermit lately.”

“Oh yeah, and how’s that?”

“You only come out to eat.” He said, and then added, “Sometimes you come out to eat.”

“You’ve been monitoring my eating habits, Tony?” I accused. He shrugged, keeping one arm around my shoulders.

“I’ve been worried about you.” He said. Wow, I never knew Tony had this side to him.

“Tony Stark, the billionaire who hides all emotions, is worried about me?” I asked him, completely stunned.

“I read your file, kid. I know what you’ve been though. And now all this on top of it. You’re only 18. You can only handle so much stress, kid.” He said softly, pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I hugged him again, burying my face against his chest.

“Thanks, Tony. You have no idea how much I needed this.” I said to him.

“Anytime. I have a feeling that we’re going to be stuck with each other for a while, so I can’t act like an asshole forever.”

“You did a pretty good job these last three weeks.” I told him, sitting away from him to give him a funny look.

“C’mon, kid. I’ve got some raspberries in my room. I know you like those.” Tony said, guiding me up off the bed with his arm that was still around my shoulders. I didn’t protest because, well, raspberries!

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