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I forced myself to cry as I slowly sat up, my hand covering my false wound.

I’ve never been shot. I can’t even call upon a forgotten pain to try to help me fake this.

“Natalie?” Loki asked. I turned my head. Loki stood in the doorway to the outside, confusion smeared across his face. I got up to face him, my hand flinging out to grasp the bar for support. I let out a strangled sob as I looked down at all the blood. I stumbled towards Loki.

I need to make this believable. I need to appear weak. Pretend like I’m dying.

In Nate’s final moments, all he wanted was comfort.

I reached Loki, and I stumbled into him, moaning in pain. I used him for support. The metal of his armor was cold, and it felt good along my split eyebrow.

My leg muscles were shaking from running all the way up here, and I used it to my advantage. I collapsed against Loki, and he easily scooped me up in his strong arms, his staff clanking to the ground, forgotten. I didn’t put my arms around him; I just kept them tucked by my side, holding my false wound.

I looked at him. His green eyes were unreadable, but I told myself there was concern layered in them somewhere. His mouth was in a slight frown, his eyebrows furrowed together. He had dark circles under his eyes. His cheekbones looked hollow- like he wasn’t taking care of himself properly.

But who was I to judge? I know I look horrible right now.

I made my breathing shallow. I squeezed my eyes shut, and let my head hang back slightly while I contorted my face in pain. My nose screamed at me, and real tears fell down my cheeks.

“Natalie.” Loki breathed. My name sounded so angelic coming from his lips.

“Loki.” I sobbed, my voice successfully sounding strained.

“You’re losing a lot of blood.” He stated. I resisted the urge to make a sarcastic remark, and knew I had to act weak.

“Look what you’ve done.” I told him. Confusion flashed across his beautiful face. “Why did you bring this upon us?”

“I told you I would make you a queen.” He said dully, searching my face.

“Look at me now. You won’t-” I gritted my teeth and let out a small sob. “-you won’t get a queen now.”

“Good, good. Keep going.” Fury murmured in my ear. “Tell him to call a cease fire.”

“Are you blaming me?” Loki asked, stunned. “I’m not the one that shot you.”

“But you started this battle. And now-” I lifted my hands and looked at all the blood. Loki did so too, and I heard him suck in a breath. “You need to stop this, before anyone else dies.”

Mischief Always Wins the War (Sequel to The Asgardian Civil War)Where stories live. Discover now