Natalie Nottmeier: The New Avenger

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Fury sat me down with the Avengers. Steve filled us in on what happened in Germany, and Tony filled us in on how he came across Thor and they got in a fight in the middle of the woods.

Honestly, if Tony Stark is involved in anything it always goes wrong.

I haven’t felt this happy in a long time. Sure, all my friends are either dead (Emma, Nathan, Jack, my mom) or behind glass walls (Loki), but at least I’m leading something important. The possibility that I screw up is still there, but I’ve never lost anything before.

But, there is a first for everything.

But it won’t be this.

“And where does Nottmeier come in?” Bruce asked. I looked up at the sound of my name. Fury made eye contact with me as he answered Bruce’s question.

I can tell, just by the way that that man looks at me, that he doesn’t trust me. I can see the rude shimmer in his eye.

“We need her to talk Loki out of world domination. He’s on our ship so he can’t do much damage, but we need Natalie to convince him to go home.” Fury said. Well, that sounds easy enough. So that clarifies that- Loki is on the ship.

“And what if that doesn’t work?” Natasha asked.

“What do you mean? Loki has two options, really. Listen to his girlfriend, and go home, or stay in the holding cell. If Natalie can’t convince him to leave, then maybe she can get Loki to tell us where the tesseract is.”

“But what if he won’t talk?”

“Okay, can we stop arguing? I’m sitting right here, Jesus. There’s only one way to see if I’m gonna fail or not, and that’s actually doing this. So how about we figure out what to do if I fuck up, after I fuck up, okay? Okay.” I snapped, making eye contact with Fury. Something about that man just sets me off.

Maybe it’s the way he talks about me like I’m not sitting right in front of him. Or maybe it’s his arrogance.

Everybody fell silent as they stared at me.

“You want to go talk to Loki?”

“Well, that’s kind of what the plan is, isn’t it?” I asked sarcastically. Tony laughed, leaned over to Steve and whispered, “I like her.”

“Alright, Nottmeier. Let’s go talk to Loki.” Fury snapped, standing up. I joined him. Fury led me to a sort of holding cell type thing. It’s a giant circular glass case. (You know what I’m talking about.)

“Remember, convince him to go home. If that doesn’t work, ask about the tesseract.”

“Got it.”

Fury walked completely into the room then, into Loki’s line of vision.

“I brought someone you’ll want to see.” He said and then motioned for me to follow.

My heart started racing as the situation sunk in. I’m gonna see Loki again.

I walked- okay, limped- into the room. Loki laid eyes on me and smirked. I don’t know whether it was an evil smirk, or an ‘I’ve-seen-this-girl-naked’ smirk.

“Hello, Natalie” He said.

Oh shit.

I forgot how sweet his voice was. He reminded me of a Siren from Greek Mythology. He had the kind of voice that could convince you to jump off a building to your death.

Quite honestly, it scared me.

“Hi, Loki.” I said back, stepping closer to him. I walked right up to the glass and pressed my palm against it. Loki pressed his against it too, right by mine.

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