Sarcasm vs. Clint Barton

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They gave me an earpiece after they taped blood bags to me. Natasha said that Fury might need to give specific directions while I’m fighting, and I need to be in contact with him. I’m not used to that, seeing as I’m used to doing what needs to be done, and going with the flow. But, it might help, since I don’t know my way around the city.

After they gave me the earpiece, my nerves took over my body. I got really anxious, and I couldn’t sit down. So when Loki shot down our plane, I was standing. Steve grabbed on to me and pressed me against the wall with his body while he held both of us in place by grabbing onto the bars on the ceiling.

We quickly exited the plane and my jaw dropped.

I’ve never been to New York City. I know absolutely nothing about it. But I can tell you that there should not be a portal open above a skyscraper with Tony’s name on it. That’s not right.

Natasha, who is in full-fledged Black Widow attire, is standing right next to me with her mouth hanging open, mirroring my facial expression. As we stood there watching, swarms of something came through the portal.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Natasha said, staring into the sky.

“I wish this was a fucking joke.” I said back, also staring into the sky.

“C’mon ladies. Let’s not waste any time here. We have some alien ass to kick.” Barton said. I looked away from the ‘aliens’ to look at him. He was holding a bow, which I thought was an interesting choice of weapon.

“I’m gonna guess Loki’s up on Stark tower. You agree?” Natasha said, but I’m not sure who she’s talking to.

“Probably. So that’s where we need to get Natalie.” Steve said. To be honest, I forgot Steve was here. He’s been so quiet up to this point.

“So what’s the best way to get up there?” I asked. Clint turned and gave me a weird look. I scoffed. “What, you want me to fly?”

“Okay, enough with the sarcasm. Your ‘daddy issues’ are probably the only reason you’re even on this damn team. You’re like 16 years old. Loki’s probably the first man to pay attention to you and now you’re ‘in love’ with him. You know nothing about fighting, so, please, don’t act like it.” Clint snapped at me. Anger flared inside me and I reached forward and grabbed the front of Clint’s shirt, pulling him close in front of my face.

“I know plenty about fighting. You wanna see my battle scars?” I asked him, pointing to the scar on my cheek with my free hand. “I’m 18, by the way. And I’ll have you know Loki isn’t my first boyfriend. Actually, I killed my first boyfriend.”

I simply added the last part for shock value.

I pushed Clint away from me then. His facial expression remained the same; hard, and emotionless.

“Can’t explain the daddy issues, huh?” He asked, his face changing to show off a smirk.

“Yeah. I had daddy issues. But I took care of them.” I spat. Clint rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

“What did you do? Did you run away from him?” He asked, doing that fake baby voice.

“No. I just killed him.” I said, and I held my bow staff in a defensive stance, prepared to swing. When Clint saw me move, he prepared to let an arrow fly. He aimed at me.

Steve stepped in the middle, one hand on my bow staff, the other outstretched toward Clint.

“Lower your weapons. We’re on the same team here.” He said. And I reluctantly lowered my bow staff. Clint, however, took a few more seconds to lower his bow.

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