From Nightmare to Nightmare

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A/N: So who's seen the new X-Men movie? I'm a little upset that they named the mutant-hating robots 'Sentinels'. SENTINEL MEANS PROTECTOR AND IS USUALLY ASSOCIATED WITH GOODNESS. Good lord was I angry.

My thoughts were swirling, it seemed. One thought blended together with another, creating a horrific image in my mind that I had no control over. Loki throwing me out of that window blended together with seeing Nate’s dead body, creating the feeling of falling and landing next to the body of my dead brother.

I tried to open my eyes, just as an escape from my twisted thoughts, but my eyes seemed glued shut. So, naturally, I screamed.  The scream ripped at my throat, like a monster trying to get out of a cage. My eyes still wouldn’t open as I watched my father appear in my thoughts. He spat on my brother’s body. I started sobbing.

Suddenly, everything faded to black, like someone took an eraser to a chalkboard. Everything was still, and I fell back asleep.


Memories of the car accident came up next in my thoughts. In my thoughts, I was the only one still trapped in the car. Everybody else was still on the outside of the car. I made it to the windshield in my thoughts, but I was herded back into the car by Nate. I tried the top window, but it was blocked by Emma. The sunroof was blocked by my father. I started screaming that I was going to die and I heard them laugh. I started screaming and crying, punching anything I could, trying to escape the doomed vehicle.

The memories were replaced by blackness again.


I was falling again. I was looking at Loki, falling in slow motion. I saw the panic in his eyes, and felt the fear in my bones. Instead of smacking to the ground, I fell upon it gently, like a bed.

Blackness swallowed everything again.


I woke up for real this time. I opened my eyes slowly, being blinded by bright lights. I felt drowsy. My back was cold. I could hear people talking- no arguing. I sat up.

I was sitting in the lab on one of the metal tables. Everybody was in here with me, and they were all arguing with each other. Bruce was facing me and we made eye contact.

“Bruce.” I said his name. My voice sounded broken; there is no other way to describe it. It sounded like I was about to start crying. And hell- I felt like it. He ran over to me and I hugged him.

“What happened?” He asked me, pushing me away to hold me at arm’s length.

“What do you mean? I should be asking you that.” I told him, not trying to hide my confusion.

“You kept screaming, so I had to keep sedating you because you wouldn’t open your eyes. Why were you screaming?”

Well, being sedated over and over would explain why the memories suddenly stopped every time.

“I had nightmares, I think. How long was I out?”

“About 36 hours.” Bruce answered. 36 hours isn’t too bad compared to the last time I was unconscious. Let me remind you- I was out for five days.

“Well that explains the screaming.” Tony said in the back. I looked over Bruce’s shoulder at him and gave him a death glare.

“Well, anyway, how are you feeling now?” Thor said, coming over to stand by me. When he did, Bruce walked away to go look at a computer screen that had started beeping.

“I feel fine now. I mean, I just slept for a whole day.” I said, kicking my legs over the side of the lab table to properly face the group of people. Someone- I’m assuming Bruce- took off my walking boot.

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