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She loved him.

He loved her.

But one day, she lost him.

They said you'd never know what you had, until you lost it. But that isn't always true. She always knew what she had, loved and cherished it but it was still taken away.

She didn't know what to do. How to react. What to feel. None, because without him, she wasn't anything to the world. If she cried, he'd cry for that. If she smiled, people would accuse her for not grieving in sorrow.

Why? Humanity.

They tended to act like they care for you, so much so you never really can differentiate anything. Most people think they know everybody more than everybody else knows them, but that is illogical. Everyone, has secrets to keep.

But, when she met him, it was like fate. For once, she actually thought of destiny and fate, which she never once cared about. When they brushed shoulders, she felt like that wasn't their first time meeting, that she knew him.

But that was illogical, wasn't it? It couldn't be. When he spoke to her, she felt like she heard his voice somewhere before. However, when he met her, he felt like his heart stopped beating for a while.

He didn't know why, neither did she, but their heartbeat formed as one. When they touched, electricity ran down their spines and when they spoke, sometimes blurry images drove their way into their heads. But none of those were recognized.

That very day, the rain was so heavy it fogged up the air, reducing the visibility to almost zero. He rushed over to her house, trying to see why she was so pale and cold, so frail. In his panic, as soon as the green light of the road across her house flashed, he made a mad attempt to run over.

She heard his voice from outside and got up. Running towards the door to greet him, she flung it open and a wave of pictures seemed to form in her mind, this time, clear ones of blood, shattered glass shimmering with drops of the red liquid.

And then the last one hit her so hard she fell to the ground in a broken state. He, was lying on the floor, beside the mess. As if time had stopped earlier, she looked out with hollow eyes and saw what she was afraid the most happening in front of her.

The deafening horns of a speeding car resonated in the air, as the blinding lights danced along with the mist. He froze, before trying to avoid the car after regaining his senses.

Her heart slammed against her ribcage in a harsh manner as her blood froze in her brain. Without thinking any further, she flung herself at him and spun them around such that the car would hit her first.

As she waited for the sickening crunch of her bones and the impact of the heavy weight against her body, her eyes fluttered shut as she whispered a soft goodbye.

She was thrown to the edge of the curb, the impact knocking out the air from her lungs as pain found its way to her head and seared her skin. The sickening crunch of her bones resounded in her mind. Pandemonium racked through the crowds.

Frantic calls and the sound of punching numbers into their phones filled the air as her eyes flickered open, even though slightly hazy, she could make out that she was still alive. Her head painstakingly twisted to her side, only to freeze in horror.

A lean body lay to her left, milky skin and pale lips that she loved. Hissing in pain as she got up, some of the crowd rushed to her as she pushed them away and staggered to the figure.

She brushed away his honey-brown hair from his face and swiped across the blood on his lips. She gently placed his head on her lap, cradling it like a baby. She lightly held his hand as his eyes miraculously opened and he mouthed the same words he'd always told her.

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