~Broken Record~

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I'm fine
I'm great
I'm happy
I laugh
I love
And I sing.
With my voice
I bring
Words of encouragement
Of happy times and happy ways
But know and again my sweet voice breaks
And the real me comes out to play
She brings songs of sadness
And bitter love
Songs of mistrust and misguidance and loss
She's not fine
Not great
Nor happy
She's fragile
And broken
And hurting
She doesn't know how to love because no one shows love to her,
She hasn't laughed in so long because no one gives her the time of day
She sings
But not happily
Not like she used to
Because now her words are nothing but lies written by a happier version of her self
Someone who has been gone for awhile
Her sweet sultry voice replaced
With a haunting voice you can never forget
But she says these lies like a broken record
So no one knows her pain
I'm fine
I'm great
I'm happy,
I laugh
I love
And I sing.

Meaningless words He will never hearWhere stories live. Discover now