~Waterproof Mascara~

38 7 14

I wake up unwillingly
My alarm clock screeching
Pulling me out of my peaceful dreams
My dreams of another world
My fantasy world
Where all is right and I am Happy as can be

I drag myself out of bed and slump at my desk
I wash my tear stained cheeks
And stare with hatred at my still red eyes
I put on my makeup
My mask
My safety blanket
To cover up my scars
And my fears
Concealer to hide the dark circles
From staying up and thinking about you
Blush to hide my pale sickly skin
And most important,
The one step I can never forget
My waterproof mascara is a must
For no one likes to us cry
Because they'd prefer to tell themselves we are getting by
So I put on my mask
And I'm ready to go
One more day of pain, of sorrow
Well it looks like I will just have to repeat this tomorrow

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