~I smiled today~

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I smiled today
It's been awhile
I laughed today
I thought you should know that.
I didn't cry today
I didn't scream today
I didn't pick a fight with my mom today over meaningless shit
I didn't cry myself asleep tonight
I just thought you should know,
I didn't crave your touch today
I didn't take a shot to forget about your smile today 
I didn't cry myself to sleep today like you told me too
So much love we used to have
So much love that's empty now
I love you's  turned to
I hope you die's
The words rolling off your toungue like a sweet sweet song you know all of the words too
And go kill yourselves was a silent prayer
Don't smile because no one likes you a mantra which you loved so much.
But today I smiled
And I laughed
and I lived
Because you said you missed me today
And so I smiled and I laughed
And I turned and walked away

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