~Dont love~

27 6 5

I sit alone in my room
Yet again
But it's no surprise I've been doing this for quite awhile
It's been so long since I've seen your smile
I stare blankly at the wall
The wall that's now filled with holes
The Holes in my wall match the holes in my heart
My heart the one that you stole
The heart that you held in your hands
The heart you played with so carelessly
You were my first love so I didn't know any different love
I still don't
I don't think I can love after you
I no longer dream because of you
Because they only remind me of our dreams
Our dreams of a family
A life of love
That loves now gone nothing but a memory
Love isn't real you taught me that
Love makes you weak and vulnerable and miserable
Because when you stole my heart I let you and it made me vulnerable
And from that vulnerability you crushed my heart while looking me in the eyes
So don't love all it does is hurt you
It's better to feel nothing
Because nothing isn't pain
And love is the worst pain
So darling close off your heart
You don't want to be broken like me

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