Fragile Threads

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Shit. Taking weight training class had been the worst idea… ever.

Ethan dodged into the shower stall, trying to forget the sight he now got to see every day. A naked Brent.

Ethan suppressed a groan, half of frustration, the other half paired with the semi hard on he was now sporting. He had maybe five minutes to ‘shower’ before passing period started.

He cupped himself tentatively, making the splitting decision of taking care of this now, like he wanted to, or living with it for the next few hours of school. Chatter and locker slamming reminded Ethan that he had yet to actually turn the shower water on.

He turned the nob and set it on close to scalding. Fuck it. Today he almost wanted to say he didn’t care. Ethan wrapped a hand around his shaft, stroking it to fully hard in a few seconds. He let his eyes drift shut and got Brent in his head again.

That muscular body of a sports player that Ethan could never seem to reach. Ethan could only imagine the power and drive of his legs and hips, His cock jumped and his ass twitched, and Ethan reached back with his other hand to press a finger over his ass hole.

He fought back another groan and tightened the hand on his shaft. He tugged and pulled, stuck between trying to not be caught and trying to get off. His legs quivered, but he was too focused on reaching an end now. It felt incredible, and all he wanted was more of it.

Ethan grazed his thumb over the head a few times, trying to get just that extra bit. He felt his balls tighten and his body tensing up. He let out a strained breath, trying to keep his voice down as he released over the tiled walls of the school showers.

His legs shook and his vision was blurred for a few moments before he started to recover. He wanted to bask in it, but there was no time. He cleaned up his mess, wrapped a towel around his waist, and turned off the water. He bolted from the shower and towards his locker and clothes.

He stole another look at Brent, who didn’t even spare a glance, of course. He was too busy talking to one of his friends.

Ethan sighed and started to redress. Maybe he should just drop the class? If anything, it was just an added stress. To jerk off in the showers, or not to jerk off? That, was the question. And fuck, he had a Shakespeare test next period!

He pulled up his pants quickly, and tightened his belt. He hated being skinny sometimes—no clothes ever fit him. He wasn’t skin and bones or anything, he was just lean. He had wiry muscle, but nothing like the sports jocks did. And while he was building up strength in this class, he certainly wasn’t bulking up. Another reason he should maybe drop it.

The start of passing bell rang, and Ethan bolted from the locker room—ahead of Brent, sadly. Again, not like he noticed.

Ethan was just average. Decent height, but he wasn’t tall. He was only five foot ten inches, with straight and thin light brown hair and green eyes. Nothing like the blond hair, blue eyed wonder that Brent was.

Ethan really needed to drop that class.

He biffed his way through most of his Shakespeare test the next period, since he hadn’t done the reading. Maybe it would help since he had seen some of the movies? Probably not. Just like everything in his life didn’t go his way, really.

Brent probably wasn’t even possible. Ethan wasn’t sure what the deal with him was, anyways. Brent was hot, yes, but all Ethan could ever think about with that was sex. He didn’t imagine cuddling or anything a normal relationship should have. Maybe that’s another part that was just messed up.

Brent was just some wet dream—nothing serious.

By the end of the day, Ethan just wanted to go home and sit at his computer. Maybe watch some porn, or flirt with guys over the internet. Something that made him feel less pathetic about Brent. Like that would happen any time soon.

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