Chapter 11

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“You’re looking good, man.” Landon slapped Ethan hard on the back.

“Thanks,” Ethan coughed out, rolling his shoulders. He wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean. Was he really looking any different than he had two weeks before? He didn’t think so.

“Do you want to spot me on the bench?” Landon pointed over to the bench press.

Ethan glared at it. He didn’t like the bench press, but… “Sure,” he agreed. He just wouldn’t take his turn afterwards.

“I heard you got to play a little football yesterday,” Landon continued to chat, setting up his weights for the press.

“Yeah, even got tackled by Ari.” Ethan glanced back at Ari, who was working with Brent on one of the core machines. He looked away when Ari looked in his direction.

“It could have been worse. Ari at least kind of knows you, I’m sure he didn’t tackle you that hard.” Landon shrugged and laid down on the bench then.

“Knocked the wind out of me,” Ethan protested. “I’d say that was pretty damn hard.”

Landon only laughed. “We’ll you seem to be walking fine, so I’m guessing you didn’t get crushed.”

Ethan still wasn’t thrilled about it though. He more or less supervised Landon on the bench press for a couple of minutes. He wondered about the swimming team then—would Landon still want him to join, even after Ethan had told him off? Even so, Ethan wasn’t sure he would be up for swimming. He was just getting used to the idea of running.

Landon finished one of his reps and offered up the bench to Ethan. Landon helped him load up some of the weighted discs and Ethan took his turn. His arms felt like jelly afterwards but that was just a part of working out. At least his legs weren’t so sore anymore, as long as he was running regularly.

Landon kept chatting away with him through out the class, taking turns on machines or working next to each other. Brent would shoulder every now and then, elbowing both Landon and Ethan as he chatted them up.

The class ended and they changed out in the locker room, and Ethan rushed to get to his next class. He had a test for it, but he was at least feeling slightly confident in it. Still he was glad when it was over and for lunch to come around—he was getting hungry a lot easier now.

In the lunch line he caught up with Brent and Ari and got himself a couple of the main courses and a side. They met up with Landon at their usual table, with Jason sitting across from him. Ethan had a few small cartons of chocolate milk that he drank while he ate.

“Did you think over that date offer?” Brent asked part way through.

Ethan just wanted to ignore him for it, but Brent was watching him. “I told you I don’t want to go on a date,” Ethan told him.

“Come on, man. What have you got against girls?” Brent whined.

Ethan ground his teeth together. “Nothing, I just don’t like girls.”

Brent took a moment to reply. “Like… you’re gay?”

“Yeah,” Ethan huffed, very focused on his food.

Brent frowned in confusion. “But you’re not like…” he made some flamboyant gestures with his hands. “Or whatever.”

“I don’t have to act like that,” Ethan muttered.

Landon sat a little bit forward. “He’s still just a normal guy, Brent. Just stop trying to pressure him into dates.”

“But hold on. We share a locker room.” Brent stiffened accusingly. “That’s weird.”

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